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蓝伟1, 林敏仪2, 刘志伟3, 霍立志3
1.广州市流花湖公园;2.广州动物园;3.广州市林业和园林科学研究院/ 广州市生态园林科技协同创新中心
紫薇 Lagerstroemia indica 是广泛栽培的重要园林景观植物, 紫薇长斑蚜 Tinocallis kahawaluokalani 危害较为严重。 通过室内饲养、 田间监测和综合防治, 明确了紫薇长斑蚜的发生特点, 比较了几种措施的 防治效果。 结果显示: (1) 紫薇长斑蚜每头成虫平均产若蚜 (23. 7 ± 2. 4) 头, 世代平均历期 (7. 3 ± 0. 5) d, 成虫平均寿命 (6. 7 ±0. 5) d; (2) 紫薇长斑蚜全年均可发生, 春末夏初是盛发期, 种群数量在 4 月中下 旬和 5 月上中旬达到高峰, 危害部位是叶片; (3) 六斑月瓢虫 Menochilus sexmaculata、 农用植物油和吡虫啉 能够较好控制紫薇长斑蚜, 但六斑月瓢虫起效时间滞后, 至第 3 周达最好的防效 88. 22% 。 农用植物油和吡 虫啉见效快, 第 1 周的防效分别为 80. 69%和 91. 60% , 之后逐渐下降, 有效防控时间短。
关键词:  紫薇,紫薇长斑蚜,特性,种群,防治
A Study of Characteristics and Control of Tinocallis kahawaluokalani (Hemiptera: Drepanosiphidae)
lanwei1, LIN Minyi2, LIU Zhiwei3, HUO Lizhi3
1.Guangzhou LiuhuaLake park;2.Guangzhou Zoo;3.Guangzhou Institute of Forestry and Landscape Architecture / Guangzhou Collaborative Innovation Center on Science-tech of Ecology and Landscape
Lagerstroemia indica is an important landscape plant widely cultivated in Guangzhou. Tinocallis kahawaluokalani is a very serious pest on L. indica. The occurrence characteristics were defined, and the control effects of several measures were evaluated by breeding, wild survey, and control research. (1) Each adult produced 23. 7 ± 2. 4 nymphs on average. The generation period was 7. 3 ± 0. 5 days, and the lifetime of adults was 6. 7 ± 0. 5 days. (2) The T. kahawaluokalani occurs throughout the year, especially in late spring and early summer, and reaches its peak of population in mid-late April and early May. The leaf of L. indica was the main target of the pests. (3) Menochilus sexmaculata, agricultural plant oil, and imidacloprid could effectively control the T. kahawaluokalani. However, the onset time of ladybird was delayed, and the highest control rate of 3rd week was 88. 22% . The effective control time of the other was fast but short. The control rate of agricultural plant oil and imidacloprid in the first week was 80. 69% and 91. 60% , respectively.
Key words:  Crape myrtle, Tinocallis kahawaluokalani, characteristic, population, control