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通过菌根接种技术,以枫香 Liquidambar formosana 为试验材料,探究盐胁迫下丛枝菌根化枫香幼苗生长生理指标的变化规律,以期揭示菌根对枫香幼苗耐盐性的影响,为沿海涂滩地区枫香高效造林技术集成和推广种植提供试验依据。结果表明,在盐胁迫条件下,与未接种丛枝菌根(AM)幼苗相比,丛枝菌根化幼苗的存活率、苗高、地径与生物量均呈显著增加趋势,且苗木地上部分叶片生物量分配比例加大,植株根茎比减小。同时,接种 AM 提升了苗木叶片净光合速率(Pn)与水分利用效率(WUE),提高了植株中 Mg2+、Ca2+ 浓度,降低了 Na+ 浓度。这表明接种丛枝菌根能有效改善盐胁迫下枫香幼苗的生长状况,提升植株光合能力和水分养分吸收利用效率,调整苗木体内离子平衡状态,使其抵御盐胁迫的能力得到增强。
关键词:  盐胁迫  丛枝菌根  枫香  生长  生理
Responses of Growth and Physiology in Liquidambar formosana Seedlings Colonized by Arbuscular Mycorrhizal to Salt Stress
Ye Zhenbiao1, Zhong Yuting2, ZHONG Yaojin3, ZOU Guoyue2
1.Zijin Greenwood Forest Service Co. Ltd.;2.Zijin Forestry Research Institute;3.Zijin Greenwood Forest Service Co. Ltd., Zijin, Guangdong
This paper aimed to reveal the effect of mycorrhiza on salt tolerance of Liquidambar formosanaseedlings, and provide references for planting L. formosana in saline regions. The changes in growth and physiology were investigated in L. formosana seedlings colonized by arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) under salt stress using AM inoculation. Results showed that survival rate, height, caliper and biomass of seedlings colonized by AM were all significantly increased.The leaf biomass accounting for the percentage of the total plant biomass enhanced, and the ratio of root to stem biomass reduced in comparison to that of seedlings without AM inoculation under salt stress. In addition, AM inoculation resulted in increases in Pn, WUE, and the concentration of Mg2+and Ca2+, while a decrease in Na+ concentration. This indicated that AM inoculation would be able to effectively improve seedling growth, strengthen photosynthetic capacity and the utilization efficiency of water and nutrients, and optimize the balanced state of ions in L. formosana seedlings. which contribute to the ability to tolerate salt stress in L. formosana seedlings.
Key words:  salt stress  arbuscular mycorrhiza  Liquidambar formosana  growth  physiology