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刘颂颂1, 叶永昌1, 朱剑云1, 吕浩荣1, 李年生1, 莫震球2
关键词:  东莞莲花山 马尾松林 阔叶树种 早期生长
Early growth performance of 17 broadleaved tree species in degraded Pinus massoniana forest
Liu Songsong
Height, diameter at breast height(DBH) and canopy width(CW) of 17 broadleaved tree species in degraded Pinus massoniana forest from Lianhua mountain Nature Reserve of Dongguan city, were measured and analyzed. The results showed that height, DBH and CW was highly significant(P<0.01) between the 17 broadleaved tree species, which planted in 2002. Apart from Schima wallichii, Swietenia mahagoni, Lysidice rhodostegia, Erythrophleum fordii and Acacia mangium, height growth was significantly correlated with DBH(P<0.05) for the rest of the 12 tree species. According to the measured data of height, DBH and CW, 17 tree species can be classified into 4 types by using cluster analysis. The first type consisits of Swietenia mahagoni, Michelia macclurei, Ilex rotunda, Elaeocarpus apiculatus and Lysidice rhodostegia were slow-growing. The second includes Liquidambar formosana, Erythrophleum fordii, Castanopsis hystrix, Mytilaria laosensis, Cinnamomum camphora, Schima superba, Bombax malabaricum and Albizia falcataria were medium growing. The third type is Schima wallichii and Castanopsis fissa, which grew fast relatively. The last but the fast is Vernicia Montana and Acacia mangium. As a whole, based on 3 years forest rebuilding, 17 experimental broadleaved tree species played an important role in the restoration of landscape to the degraded Pinus massoniana forest.
Key words:  Lianhua mountain of Dongguan  Pinus massoniana forest  broadleaved tree species  early growth