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为了给广州市从化区森林可燃物管理提供建议, 研究通过开展乔木林标准地可燃物专项调查, 获取了从化区不同区域的可燃物载量数据, 并分析了从化区内森林死可燃物与活可燃物的区域性分布特 征。 结果表明, (1) 从化区总可燃物载量为 884. 77×10 4 t, 单位面积总可燃物载量为 65. 75 t·hm -2 , 其 中大岭山林场单位面积总可燃物载量在整个从化区最高, 为 95. 22 t·hm -2 , 为全区平均值的 1. 5 倍; (2) 从化区的活可燃物载量主要由乔木组成, 占总活可燃物的 85. 51%, 远高于其他类型; 其次是竹林、 灌木 和草本, 在空间分布上, 呈由上往下依次降低的规律; (3) 从化区的死可燃物载量主要是由枯落物组成, 占死可燃物总量的 67. 02%, 温泉镇、 良口镇、 吕田镇、 太平镇和鳌头镇 5 个乡镇的死可燃物载量显著高 于其他地区 (P<0. 05)。
关键词:  森林火灾  从化区  森林可燃物载量  森林可燃物
Regional Distribution Characteristics of Forest Fuels in Conghua District of Guangzhou City
HUANG Guanjie1, 梁2, li dafeng3
1.Forestry and Garden Bureau of Conghua District,Guangzhou;2.广东省林业科学研究院;3.Guangdong academy of forestry
To provide suggestions for the management of forest fuel in the Conghua district of Guangzhou city, this study obtained the fuel load data of different regions in Conghua district by carrying out a special investigation of fuel in the standard area of arbor forests, and analyzed the regional distribution characteristics of forest dead fuel and live fuel in Conghua district. The results showed that: (1) The total fuel load in Conghua district was 884. 77×10 4 t, and the total fuel load per unit area was 65. 75 t·hm -2 . Among them, the total fuel load per unit area of Dalingshan Forest farm was the highest in Conghua district, which was 95. 22 t·hm -2 , and 1. 5 times of the average value in the whole area. (2) The live fuel load in the Conghua district was mainly composed of the arbor, accounting for 85. 51% of the total live fuel, which was much higher than that of other types, followed by bamboo forest, shrub and herb, which showed a descending pattern in spatial distribution. (3) The dead fuel load in Conghua district was mainly composed of litter, accounting for 67. 02% of the total dead fuel load. The dead fuel load in Wenquan town, Liangkou town, Lvtian town, Taiping town and Aotou town was significantly higher than that in other areas (P<0. 05).
Key words:  forest fires  Conghua  forest fuel load  forest fuel