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不同挺水植物对 4 种水体底泥的净化能力∗
区卓贤1, 朱铧楠2, 冼丽铧2, 孙同高1, 郭彩霞1, 陈红跃2
在广州市的水体流域中, 不同的水体底泥化学性质差异大, 需要筛选出因地制宜的挺水植物, 发挥其适应的景观价值和生态修复价值。 因此研究选取广州市内河涌、 湖库、 小微水体、 近海水体, 采 用常见的挺水植物风车草 Cyperus involucratus、 翠芦莉 Ruellia simplex、 菖蒲 Acorus calamus、 再力花 Thalia dealbata、 美人蕉 Canna indica 进行净化试验。 试验共设置了 20 个处理, 在 120 d 后测定底泥中有机 质、 全氮、 全磷、 全钾、 铵态氮以及硝态氮含量, 计算植物对底泥污染物的去除率, 并采用有机污染指 数法和综合污染指数法对底泥污染程度进行评价。 研究结果表明, 5 种植物对底泥的有机质去除率在 1. 89% ~40. 23%, 对底泥的全氮、 全磷、 全钾去除率分别在 5. 19% ~ 36. 30%、 4. 71% ~ 48. 48%、 4. 21% ~ 40. 78%, 对底泥的铵态氮、 硝态氮去除率在 14. 80% ~ 73. 06%、 13. 75% ~ 92. 95%。 5 种植物均能将河涌 底泥净化至清洁程度; 美人蕉在近海水体底泥中表现出最好的净化能力, 能将近海水体底泥净化至轻度 污染; 翠芦莉和美人蕉在小微水体底泥和湖库底泥中表现出更好的净化效果。
关键词:  挺水植物  水体底泥  污染物  净化能力
基金项目:广州市生态环境局项目 (4400-H21374)。
Study on the Purification Ability of Different Emergent Plants on Sediments of Four Water Bodies
OU ZHUOXIAN1, zhuhuanan2, XIANLIHUA2, SUN Tonggao1, GUO Caixia1, CHEN Hongyue2
1.Guangzhou Zijing Forestry Planning and Design Co., Ltd;2.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, South China Agricultural University
In the water bodies of Guangzhou, the chemical properties of sediment vary significantly across different water bodies, necessitating the selection of suitable emergent plants tailored to local conditions to maximize their landscape value and ecological restoration potential. Therefore, this study selected river channels, lakes and reservoirs, small water bodies, and coastal water bodies within Guangzhou to conduct purification experiments using common emergent plants: Cyperus involucratus, Ruellia simplex, Acorus calamus, Thalia dealbata, and Canna indica. A total of 20 treatments were set up, and after 120 days, the contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total potassium, ammonium nitrogen, and nitrate nitrogen in the sediment were measured. The removal rates of pollutants from the sediment by the plants were calculated, and the pollution levels of the sediment were evaluated using the organic pollution index method and the comprehensive pollution index method. The results indicated that the five plant species achieved organic matter removal rates ranging from 1. 89% to 40. 23% in the sediment. The removal rates for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total potassium were 5. 19% to 36. 30%, 4. 71% to 48. 48%, and 4. 21% to 40. 78%, respectively. For ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen, the removal rates were 14. 80% to 73. 06% and 13. 75% to 92. 95%, respectively. All five plant species were able to purify the sediment in river channels to a clean level. Canna indica demonstrated the best purification ability in coastal water body sediment, reducing it to a mildly polluted state. Ruellia simplex and Canna indica showed better purification effects in the sediment of small water bodies and lakes and reservoirs.
Key words:  emergent plants  bottom sediments  pollutants  purification capacity