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李梦仙1, 晏媛1, 黄飞1, 曾曙才1, 贾小容1, 华炜文2
为探究树冠形态因子对生长形质因子的影响, 以明确大径级杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata 人工 林培育过程的树冠调控的重点与方向, 文章选取粤北地区 4 个年龄序列 (8、 20、 37、 50 a) 的杉木林样 地, 结合相关性分析和通径分析方法, 研究杉木在不同生长阶段中树冠形态因子对生长形质的影响规律。 结果表明, 杉木树冠形态因子与生长形质因子间大体表现为极显著相关 (P<0. 01)。 总体而言, 冠幅对生 长形质的正向作用随林龄增加而减弱; 冠形率对生长形质的正向作用随林龄增加而减弱; 冠长率对生长 形质的负向作用较小。 研究结果反映出, 为获得良好生长形质, 可使杉木保持冠幅宽大、 冠形率大、 冠 长率小的树冠形态; 但在不同林龄阶段冠形调控的效果不同, 幼林的树冠调控效果相对更好。
关键词:  杉木  冠形  林冠因子  通径分析
基金项目:广东省林业局科技项目 (重点) (2023KJCX004), 广东省林业局科技项目 (重大) (2022KJCX015)。
Dynamic Relationship Between Canopy Characteristics and Growth Form Quality of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation
limengxian1, yanyuan1, huangfei1, zengshucai1, jiaxiaorong1, HUA Weiwen2
1.South China Agricultural University;2.Guangdong Lingnanyuan Exploration and Design Co. , Ltd. ,
To investigate the influence of canopy morphology factors on growth shape and quality factors, the focus and direction of canopy regulation in the cultivation process of large-diameter Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation were clarified. In this paper, C. lanceolata forest plots with four age sequences of 8, 20, 37, and 50 years old in northern Guangdong were selected. Combined with correlation analysis and path analysis, the effects of canopy morphology factors on growth form quality of C. lanceolata at different growth stages were studied. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between canopy morphology factors and growth shape and quality factors of C. lanceolata (P<0. 01). Overall, canopy width had a positive effect on growth shape and quality, but the positive effect was weakened with the increase in forest age. The canopy shape rate had a positive effect on growth shape and quality, but the positive effect was weakened by the increase in forest age. The negative effect of the canopy length rate on growth shape and quality was small. This indicates that in order to achieve the purpose of obtaining good growth shape and quality, C. lanceolata can be maintained in a canopy form with a wide canopy width, large canopy shape rate and small canopy length rate. However, the effectiveness of canopy shape control varies at different age stages, and relatively speaking, canopy shape control was more effective in young forests.
Key words:  Chinese fir  canopy shape  canopy factors  path analysis