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不同嫁接处理对白木香易结香品系苗期生长 和造林效果的影响∗
古巧云1, 方天松1, 梁嘉怡2, 黄锡钊2, 吴清1
为探索白木香 Aquilaria sinensis 易结香品系的嫁接育苗技术, 获取最佳嫁接方法, 通过对接穗 部位、 砧木高度和砧木粗度开展 3 因素正交试验, 调查其嫁接成苗率、 苗木抽梢长度、 嫁接口径粗、 叶片 生长发育和造林生长表现 (造林成活率、 苗高和地径) 的差异。 结果表明, 砧木地径是影响白木香易结 香品系嫁接苗苗木成苗率、 苗木抽梢长度、 嫁接口粗度、 苗高和地径的主要因素; 接穗部位极显著影响 白木香易结香品系嫁接苗苗木成苗率和苗期叶片生长发育 (P<0. 01); 砧木高度对苗木抽梢长度、 嫁接口 粗度和造林成活率的影响差异显著 (P<0. 05)。 白木香易结香品系苗木嫁接生产中推荐使用的方法为上部 接穗、 砧木地径 1. 2 cm 以上和砧木嫁接高度 10~12 cm。
关键词:  白木香  易结香品系  嫁接
基金项目:广东省林业科技计划项目 (2021-KYXM-07)。
Effect of Different Grafting Treatments on Seedling Growth and Afforestation of Aquilaria sinensis
Gu Qiaoyun1, Fang Tiansong1, Liang Jiayi2, Huang Xizhao2, Wu Qing1
1.Guangdong Forest Resources Conservation Center;2.Gaoming District Forestry Science Research Institute
To explore the grafting seedling technology for fragrant resin-producing varieties of Aquilaria sinensis and obtain the optimal grafting method, a three-factor orthogonal experiment was conducted involving the scion position, rootstock height, and rootstock thickness to investigate the differences in grafting seedling rate, seedling shoot length, diameter at the grafting position, leaf growth, and growth performance after afforestation (afforestation survival rate, seedling height, and ground diameter). The results showed that the rootstock ground diameter was the main factor affecting the seedling rate, shoot length, grafting interface thickness, seedling height, and ground diameter of the grafted seedlings of A. sinensis. The scion position significantly affected the seedling rate and leaf growth of grafted seedlings of A. sinensis (P<0. 01). The effects of rootstock height on shoot length, grafting interface thickness, and survival rate were significantly different (P<0. 05). The recommended grafting methods for fragrant resin-producing varieties of A. sinensis involved using an upper scion, a rootstock with a ground diameter above 1. 2 cm, and a rootstock grafting height of 10-12 cm.
Key words:  Aquilaria sinensis  easier induced agarwood strain  grafting