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张怡1, 王润辉2
为筛选乐昌含笑 Michelia chapensis 苗木的培育基质, 并为今后培育优质造林苗木提供技术支 撑, 在乐昌含笑幼林中设立试验样方, 对 2 种基质幼林 (林龄分别为 1 个月、 9 个月和 19 个月) 进行 3 次生长数据收集及分析工作, 对比黄泥基质与轻基质培育苗木造林后幼林的生长差异, 以及轻基质培育 同一种源个体不同生长期的变化。 方差分析结果表明, 对于树高和地径而言, 育苗基质效应均达到极显 著差异水平 (P<0. 001), 而种源效应不显著, 说明幼林生长的变异大部分源于育苗基质的不同。 不同基 质苗木幼林生长差异的 T 检验分析结果显示, 在 1 月龄 (t1)、 9 月龄 (t2) 和 19 月龄 (t3) 内, 除 t1 生 长期的树高性状, 轻基质苗木幼林的树高和地径均显著大于黄泥基质苗木幼林 (P<0. 05)。 连续观测的 3 个轻基质苗木造林样方的树高和地径生长量变化趋势相似, 呈现出良好的生长态势。 分析结果证明, 相 对传统的黄泥基质苗木, 乐昌含笑轻基质培育苗木优势显著, 可以在林业生产上大量推广应用。
关键词:  乐昌含笑  轻基质  早期生长
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目 (2022KJCX010)。
Effects of Nursery Substrate on the Early Growth of Michelia chapensis Plantations
zhang yi1, Wang Runhui2
1.State-owned Hekou forest farm of Shaoguan;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Experimental plots were established within the Michelia chapensis young forest to screen the nursery substrate of M. chapensis seedlings and provide technical support for the future cultivation of high-quality afforestation seedlings. Growth data were collected and analyzed three times for two substrates of young forest, categorized by forest age (1 month, 9 months, and 19 months, respectively), to compare the growth differences between those cultivated in yellow mud substrate and nursery substrate after afforestation, as well as the variations among individuals of the same provenance during different growth stages. The results of variance analysis showed that, for the two growth traits of tree height and ground diameter, the effect of seedling substrate reached an extremely significant difference level (P<0. 001). In contrast, the provenance effect was not signif-icant, which indicated that most of the variation of young forest growth was due to the difference in the seedling substrate. The results of the T-test analysis of the growth differences of young seedlings with different substrates showed that within 1 month (t1), 9 months (t2), and 19 months (t3), except for the tree height traits at the t1 growth stage, the tree height and ground diameter of young seedlings with nursery substrate were significantly higher than those of young seedlings with yellow mud substrate (P<0. 05). The variation trend of tree height and ground diameter growth of three nursery substrate seedling afforestation pots was consistent, demonstrating a favorable growth trend. The analysis results confirm that compared with the traditional yellow mud substrate seedlings, the nursery substrate cultivation seedlings of M. chapensis have significant advantages and can be widely promoted and applied in forestry production.
Key words:  Michelia chapensis  nursery substrate  early growth