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辛成锋, 侯志文, 黎映欣, 莫燕卿, 钟文翰, 赵子祺
为明确村庄绿化现状, 增强乡村绿化美化工作的针对性、 有效性, 研究以广东省北部生态发 展区、 沿海经济带东翼、 沿海经济带西翼及珠江三角洲 4 个发展区域为研究对象, 采用层次分析法, 以广 东省不同发展区域村庄绿化质量评价为目标层, 生态因素、 景观因素和文化因素作为准则层, 9 个评价指 标为方案层, 通过构建两两比较判断矩阵求得评价指标权重。 结果显示, 准则层生态因素权重为 0. 604 4、 景观因素为 0. 325 5、 文化因素为 0. 070 1, 村庄绿化质量总评分为北部生态发展区 (5. 97 分) >珠三角地 区 (5. 31 分) >沿海经济带西翼 (4. 63 分) >沿海经济带东翼 (3. 77 分), 反映出不同发展区域村庄的绿 化质量差异, 建立了广东省村庄绿化质量评价体系。
关键词:  乡村绿化  层次分析法  质量评价
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目 (2021KJCX009)。
Evaluation of Village Greening Quality in Different Development Regions of Guangdong Province
xinchengfeng, HOU Zhiwen, LI Yingxin, MO Yanqing, ZHONG Wenhan, ZHAO Ziqi
Guangdong Lingnan Yuan Exploration and Design Co.Ltd.
In order to clarify the current situation of village greening and enhance the relevance and effectiveness of village greening and beautification work, this study takes the four development regions of Guangdong province, namely, the northern ecological development zone, the eastern flank of the coastal economic belt, the western flank of the coastal economic belt, and the Pearl River Delta as the object of the study. Using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), taking the evaluation of village greening quality in different development regions of Guangdong province as the target layer, ecological factors, landscape factors and cultural factors as the criterion layer, and nine evaluation indexes as the program layer, the weight of evaluation indicators is obtained by constructing a pairwise comparison judgment matrix. The results show that the weights of the criterion layer are 0. 604 4 for the ecological factor, 0. 325 5 for the landscape factor, 0. 070 1 for the cultural factor, and the total evaluation of the village greening quality is divided into the northern ecological development area (5. 97 points) >Pearl River Delta region (5. 31 points) >western wing of the coastal economic zone (4. 63 points) > eastern wing of the coastal economic zone (3. 77 points), which clearly reflects that differences in the quality of village greening in different regions, and establishes the evaluation system of village greening quality in Guangdong province.
Key words:  Village greening  Analytic hierarchy process  Quality assessment  Index weight