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24%滴酸·二氯吡和 24%氨氯吡啶酸防治薇甘菊成效∗
黄传勇1, 古育成2, 林健斌2, 黄万和3
为了抑制薇甘菊 Mikania micrantha 的生长蔓延, 该研究连续 2 年 (2021—2022 年) 采用人工 清除与化学防治相结合的方式, 在中山市三乡镇实施薇甘菊防治。 化学防治使用 24%滴酸·二氯吡或 24%氨氯吡啶酸药剂, 每年在花期前对薇甘菊进行喷药, 连续治理 3 个月, 期间至少喷药 3 次, 不适合喷 药的地点则使用人工清除。 防治工作结束后, 调查其残存率和复发度。 结果表明, 在 74. 35 hm 2 和 34. 60 hm 2 的防治任务作业区域中, 薇甘菊残存率均控制在 0. 3%及以下, 复发度控制在 0. 2%及以下, 两次薇 甘菊防治都取得了显著成效, 24%氨氯吡啶酸防治薇甘菊的效果与 24%滴酸·二氯吡相当。
关键词:  薇甘菊  24%氨氯吡啶酸  24%滴酸·二氯吡  残存率  复发度
Prevention Effectiveness of 24% Drop Acid Clopyralid and 24% Picloram on Mikania micrantha in Sanxiang Town
Chuanyong Huang1, GU Yucheng2, LIN Jianbin2, HUANG Wanhe3
1.Agricultural Service Center of San Township, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province;2.中山市三乡镇农业服务中心;3.广州市
To inhibit the growth and spread of Mikania micrantha, this study was conducted for two consecutive years (2021—2022 ) to implement the control of M. micrantha in Sanxiang town of Zhongshan city by combining artificial clearance and chemical control. 24% drop acid clopyralid or 24% picloram was selected as a chemical control agent to spray M. micrantha before the flowering period of each year and was continuously treated for three months. At least three times agent spraying was carried out during the period, meanwhile, manual removal was used in areas unsuitable for spraying. After the prevention and treatment, the residual rate and recurrence rate were investigated. The results showed that the residual rate of M. micrantha was controlled below 0. 3% and the recurrence rate was controlled below 0. 2% and below in the control area of 74. 3 hm 2 and 34. 6 hm 2 of the prevention task. The control M. micrantha had achieved remarkable results, and the effect of 24% picloram on M. micrantha was equivalent to that of 24% drop acid clopyralid.
Key words:  Mikania micrantha  24% picloram  24% drop acid clopyralid  residual rate  recurrence rate