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郭德森1, 高成龙2, 赵丹阳2, 王成3, 王海峰2, 吴胜平1, 吴锡豪2, 黄华毅2
为探索榕透翅毒蛾 Perina nuda 卵和蛹的最优保存条件, 为其防治技术研究提供基础。 分析温 度对榕透翅毒蛾卵孵化和蛹羽化的影响, 并探索不同温度条件下, 榕透翅毒蛾卵和蛹的最优保存时间。 结 果表明: 榕透翅毒蛾卵的孵化率和蛹的羽化率都随着温度上升而逐步提高, 而卵的孵化时间和蛹的羽化时 间则随着温度上升而逐渐缩短, 在 0 ℃、 5 ℃和 10 ℃条件下, 卵无法正常孵化, 蛹也无法正常羽化, 卵 的最低孵化温度和蛹的最低羽化温度均为 15 ℃。 榕透翅毒蛾卵和蛹在 0 ℃、 5 ℃和 10 ℃条件下保存, 其 孵化率和羽化率随着保存时间的增长而逐步降低, 但孵化时间和羽化时间则不受保存时间影响, 其中, 榕 透翅毒蛾的卵和蛹在 10 ℃条件下最长保存时间为 20 和 15 天, 其孵化率和羽化率最高且最稳定, 均能达 到 90% 以上。
关键词:  榕透翅毒蛾      保存条件  优化
Optimization of Preservation Conditions for Eggs and Pupae of Perina nuda
Guodesen1, Gaochenglong2, Zhaodanyang2, Wangcheng3, Wanghaifeng2, Wushengping1, Wuxihao2, Huanghuayi2
1.The Forestry Bureau of Huidong County;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry;3.Longyandong Forest Farm of Guangdong Province
To explore the optimal preservation conditions of eggs and pupae of Perina nuda, and provide the basis for the research of its control technology. The effects of temperature on the hatching rate of eggs and the emergence rate of pupae were analyzed, and the optimal preservation time of eggs and pupae of P. nuda was explored under different temperature conditions. The results showed that the hatching rate of eggs and the emergence rate of pupae increased gradually with the increase in temperature, while the hatching time of eggs and the emergence time of pupae decreased gradually with the increase in temperature. Under the conditions of 0 ℃, 5 ℃ and 10 ℃, the eggs could not hatch normally, and the pupae could not emerge normally, and the minimum hatching temperature of eggs and the minimum emergence temperature of pupae were 15 ℃. The eggs and pupae of P. nuda were stored at 0 ℃, 5 ℃ and 10 ℃, and their hatching and emergence rates gradually decreased with the increase of storage time, but the hatching time and emergence time were not affected by storage time. Among them, the eggs and pupae of P. nuda were stored at 10 ℃ within 20 days and 15 days, respectively, and their hatching and emergence rates were the highest and most stable. All can reach more than 90% .
Key words:  Perina nuda  egg  pupa  preservation conditions  optimization