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l练丽1, 韩坤涛2, 臧莹安2, 黄文彬3, 陈聪慧4, 李孝恩5, 于冬梅4, 杨锡涛4
1.广东省林业调查规划院;2.仲恺农业工程学院;3.广东南澎列岛海洋生态国家级自然保护区管理局;4.广东省科学院 动物研究所/ 广东省动物保护与资源利用重点实验室/ 广东省野生动物保护与利用公共实验室;5.华南农业大学 资源环境学院
广东海丰鸟类省级自然保护区作为重要的水鸟栖息地, 已被列为国际重要湿地。 研究在海丰自 然保护区东关联安围片区开展了冬季水鸟及生境调查, 共记录到鸟类 28 种, 含国家一级保护鸟类 1 种。 利用典范对应分析法研究驱动冬季水鸟多样性的环境因子。 CCA 分析表明红树林面积和滩涂面积对水鸟 分布存在显著性影响, 是驱动水鸟分布的主要因子; 红树林面积和滩涂面积是促进涉禽类数量增加的主要 因素; 滩涂面积是促进鸥类数量增加的主要因素, 而水产养殖塘是推动非鸥类游禽数量增加的主要因素; 此外, 养殖池塘水的深度和盐度与水鸟分布呈现负相关。
关键词:  广东海丰鸟类省级自然保护区  水鸟  生境  栖息地选择
Winter Waterbird Habitat Selection Based on Driver Factor Analysis
LIAN LI1, HAN Kuntao2, ZANG Ying􀆳an2, HUANG Wenbin3, CHEN Conghui4, LI Xiaoen5, YU Dongmei4, YANG Xitao4
1.Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute;2.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering;3.Administration of National Nature Reserve for Marine Ecology of Guangdong Nanpeng Islands;4.Institute of Zoology, Guangdong Academy of Sciences/ Guangdong Key Laboratory of Animal Conservation and Resource Utilization / Guangdong Public Laboratory of Wild Animal Conservation and Utilization;5.College of Naturel Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University
Guangdong Haifeng Avian Provincial Nature Reserve is an important place for the breeding and migration of many rare and endangered waterfowl, which has been included in the “List of Ramsar Wetlands of International Importance”. This study conducts surveys of winter waterbirds and their habitats in the Dongguan Lian??anwei Area of the nature reserve. A total of 28 bird species were recorded, including 1 species of China??s national first-level protected birds. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) was used to study the environ-mental factors driving winter waterbird diversity. The results of CCA show that the area of mangroves and tidal flats have a significant impact on the distribution of waterbirds, which are the main factors driving the distribution of waterbirds; mangrove forest area and tidal flat area are the main factors driving the increase of wader populations; and tidal flat area is the main factor driving the increase of gull populations; while aquaculture ponds are the main factor driving the increase in populations of non-gull Natatores; in addition, the depth and salinity of the aquaculture pond water were negatively correlated with the distribution of waterbirds.
Key words:  Guangdong Haifeng Wetland  wintering waterbirds  habitat  habitat selection