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基于 MaxEnt 和 ArcGIS 的美丽异木棉适生区 与主导环境因子分析
美丽异木棉 Ceiba speciosa 为园林观赏植物, 具有重要的美学价值, 通过探究其适生区分布可 为科学引种栽培和资源有效利用提供依据, 因此研究基于 854 个美丽异木棉的自然分布点数据和 26 个环 境因子数据, 选择最大熵模型 (MaxEnt) 和地理信息系统软件 (ArcGIS) 对美丽异木棉在中国的适生区 分布进行预测, 并探讨影响其分布的主导环境因子。 结果表明: MaxEnt 模型的 AUC 训练集和测试集平均 值均为 0. 9 以上, 表明模型的模拟结果具有较高的准确性。 美丽异木棉适生区范围主要集中于我国广东 省、 广西壮族自治区、 海南省、 福建省南部和云南省南部、 四川盆地南部、 台湾沿海等地区, 总面积为 60. 2 km 2 。 由模型结果可知, 影响美丽异木棉适生区分布的主导环境因子为最冷月最低温和年平均降水 量, 最冷月平均气温 5 ℃以上、 年平均降水量 1 500~2 500 mm 的地区最适合美丽异木棉的生长。
关键词:  美丽异木棉  适生区  环境变量  MaxEnt模型
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新专项 (2011KJCX004, 2014KJCX005-01)。
Analysis of Suitable Distribution Areas and Dominant Environmental Factors of Ceiba speciosa Based on MaxEnt Model and ArcGIS
Huang Junyue1,2, Zhu Baozhu2, Zhang Weihua2, Xu Fang2, Li Yongquan3
1.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou,Guangdong,;2.Guangdong Academy Of Forestry,Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture,Protection and Utilization,Guangzhou,Guangdong;3.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou,Guangdong
Ceiba speciosa is a garden ornamental plant with important aesthetic value. By exploring its distribution of suitable habitats, we hope to provide a basis for scientific introduction and cultivation and effective use of resources. Therefore, this study is based on 854 natural distribution locations of C. speciosa and 26 environmental factors, we performed analysis by MaxEnt model and ArcGIS software to speculate the suitable area of C. speciosa in China and investigated the dominant environmental factors affecting the natural distribution. The results indicated that based on the MaxEnt model the average AUC values of the training and test set are both greater than 0. 9, which indicates that the simulation results were accurate and the model was reliable. The range of suitable areas is mainly concentrated in Guangdong Province, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Hainan Province, southern Fujian Province and southern Yunnan Province, southern Sichuan Basin, and coastal areas of Taiwan, with a total area of over 60. 2 km 2 . The dominant environmental factors affecting the natural distribution are the minimum temperature of the coldest month and the average annual precipitation. The coldest month??s average temperature above 5 ℃ and the annual average areas with a rainfall of 1 500-2 500 mm are most suitable for the growth of C. speciosa. The study could provide a reference for the conservation, utilization, introduction, and artificial cultivation of C. speciosa
Key words:  Ceiba speciosa  suitable distribution areas  environment variable  MaxEnt model