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新岗林场 1 hm 2 样地优势种空间分布格局及种间关联研究
莫荫生1, 宋玉龙2
以新岗林场 1 hm 2 样地内物种为研究对象, 通过样地调查研究样地内优势种空间分布格局及种 间关联情况。 以重要值排名前 5 的树种为优势种, 采用相对邻体密度指数 Ωr 分析优势种空间分布点格局, 采用多元点格局 g12 方程进行种间关联性统计。 结果显示: (1) 5 个优势种的空间分布格局主要表现为显 著随机分布, 只有杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata 在 0 ~ 30 m 取样尺度内呈显著聚集分布; (2) 5 个优势种 的种间关联主要表现为独立不相关, 这表明群落仍处于动态演替不稳定阶段。 研究结果表明样地内物种间 关联性较弱, 处于演替的初级阶段。
关键词:  优势种  空间分布格局  种间关联
基金项目:省级财政专项资金 (生态林业建设) 项目
Study on Spatial Distribution Pattern and Interspecific Association of Dominant Species Based on 1 hm 2 Plot in Zhaoqing Xingang Forest Farm
Mo Yinsheng1, song yulong2
1.State-owned Xingang Forest Farm in Zhaoqing City;2.Dachouding Provincial Nature Reserve of Huaiji in Guangdong
The species distribution of the main species in the 1 hm 2 plot in Xingang Forest Farm was studied through the survey of the plot. The spatial distribution patterns of dominant species were analyzed using the relative neighbor density index Ωr, and the interspecific correlation statistics were performed using the multi-point pattern g12 equation. The results showed that: (1) the spatial distribution pattern of the five dominant species was mainly random distribution, and only Chinese fir showed significant aggregation distribution within the sampling scale of 0-30 m; (2) The interspecific association of the five dominant species was mainly independent and uncorrelated, which indicated that the community was still in the dynamic succession unstable stage. The results showed that the species correlation in Xingang Forest Farm was weak, and it was in the primary stage of succession.
Key words:  Spatial distribution pattern  Interspecific association