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王齐, 师春娟, 彭兴燕, 张玉雯, 段利武
喀斯特石漠化区草原生态系统脆弱, 是制约经济社会可持续发展最严重的生态地质环境问题。 为研究退化草原的植被恢复技术, 设置不同牧草组合对滇东南峰丛洼地轻度、 中度以及重度石漠化样地进 行修复对比试验。 结果表明: 在轻度石漠化地区采用多年生黑麦草 Lolium perenne、 鸭茅 Dactylis glomerata、 木豆 Cajanus cajan, 按照 5??2??5 的比例混播; 在中度石漠化地区采用多年生黑麦草、 鸭茅、 苇状羊 茅 Festuca arundinacea, 按照 5??5??2 的比例混播; 在重度石漠化地区采用多年生黑麦草、 狗牙根 Cynodon dactylon、 白三叶 Trifolium repens, 按照 5??2??5 的比例混播, 3 个月后植被覆盖度、 株高生长、 植 被丰富度和草产量等指标与对照相比均有明显的增长。 不同石漠化程度草原经过人工种植, 使石漠化趋势 向潜在石漠化转化, 有效减少水土流失量, 植被恢复得到显著改善。 人工植被恢复是石漠化草原生态修复 的有效途径之一。
关键词:  石漠化  草原  植被恢复  生态修复
基金项目:云南省林草科技推广示范项目 (202201)。
Experimental Study on Grassland Vegetation Restoration Technology in Different Degree of Rocky Desertification
WANGqi, SHIchunjuan, PENGxingyan, ZHANGyuwen, DUANliwu
Yunnan Forestry Technological College
The grassland ecosystem is fragile in the area of karst rocky desertification area, which is the most serious eco-geological environmental problem limiting sustainable economic and social development. The experimental results showed that in areas with mild rocky desertification, Lolium perenne, Dactylis glomerata, and Cajanus cajan were mixed in a ratio of 5??2??5; In areas of rocky desertification areas, Lolium perenne, Dactylis glomerata and Festuca arundinacea are mixed in a ratio of 5??5??2; In areas of severe rocky desertification, the experimental plots mixed with L. perenne, Cynodon dactylon, and Trifolium repens in a ratio of 5?? 2??5. After three months, there was a significant increase in vegetation cover, plant height growth, plant richness and grass yield compared to the control group. Artificial cultivation of grasslands with different degrees of rocky desertification transforms the trend of rocky desertification into potential rocky desertification, effectively reducing soil erosion and significantly improving vegetation restoration. Artificial vegetation restoration is one of the effective methods for ecological restoration of rocky desertification grasslands.
Key words:  WANG Qi SHI Chunjuan PENG Xingyan ZHANG Yuwen DUAN Liwu