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陈盼, 谭志权, 郭盛才, 陈秋菊, 邓冬旺, 陈黄礼
以广东省古树名木普查数据为基础, 采用皮尔逊相关系数和线性混合模型分析了全省木棉 Bombax ceiba 古树的资源特征及影响因子。 结果表明广东省现存木棉古树 1 280 株, 树龄、 树高、 胸围和 冠幅主要集中在 100~200 a, 12. 0~22. 0 m, 200~400 cm 和 8. 0~20. 0 m。 木棉古树空间分布差异大, 以 珠三角地区为主, 粤东西地区较少, 粤北地区零星分布。 木棉古树树龄与环境因子无显著相关性; 树高与 多数环境因子存在显著相关性; 胸围与季节温度差、 年均温度差呈显著正相关, 冠幅与年均温度呈极显著 负相关, 但胸径和冠幅与坡度、 坡向和年均降雨量均无显著相关性。 结论, 广东省木棉古树主要分布在广 州市、 东莞市、 惠州市等珠三角城市, 健康状况整体较好, 树洞 (中空)、 病虫害、 枯断枝比例、 环境污 染物和生长空间是影响木棉古树健康的主要因子。
关键词:  木棉  空间分布  健康状况  相关性分析  广东省
Study on Distributions and Status and Impact Factors of Ancient Kapok Trees (Bombax ceiba) in Guangdong Province
chenpan, TAN Zhiquan, GUO Shengcai, CHEN Qiuju, DENG Dongwang, CHEN Huangli
Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute
Based on the census of large ancient famous trees in Guangdong province, this study analyzed the resource characteristics of ancient Bombax ceiba and the underlying factors using Pearson??s correlation and linear mixed model. The results showed that there were 1 280 ancient B. ceiba in Guangdong Province, and the age, height, diameter at breast height (DBH), and crown width are mainly concentrated in 100-200 a, 12. 0- 22. 0 m, 200-400 cm, and 8. 0-20. 0 m, respectively. The ancient B. ceiba were distributed unevenly across Guangdong province, most of which were recorded in the Pearl River Delta, whereas they were rare in the eastern, western, and northern parts of Guangdong. The tree height was significantly correlated with most environmental factors, but the correlations between the ages of the old kapok trees and tested environmental factors were not significant. DBHs were positively correlated with temperature seasonality and annual temperature range, and the canopies were negatively correlated with annual mean temperature. However, both DBH and canopy were not correlated with slope, aspect, and annual precipitation. To sum up, the ancient B. ceiba is distributed mainly in the Pearl River Delta, including Guangzhou, Dongguan, and Huizhou city. The health status of ancient B. ceiba is generally good. Tree holes, pests and diseases, broken branches, environmental pollutants, and growing space are the main factors that jointly influence the health of ancient B. ceiba.
Key words:  kapok tree  spatial distribution  health status  correlation analysis  Guangdong province