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全民所有森林资源资产微观尺度价格体系 建设方法研究
冯新富1, 余松柏1, 郑文松1, 杜谦泰2, 许培容2
文章通过显化自然环境和社会经济条件的迥异, 选择影响图斑林地、 林木价格的指标作为调整 因子, 采用评价指标分级、 设定权重与分值的方法, 确定图斑林地、 林木价格调整系数, 再结合已建立的 中观尺度森林资源价格体系, 形成精细到图斑的广东省全民所有森林资产微观尺度价格体系。 并通过试点 县微观尺度价格体系建设实践, 具体研究评价指标权重、 分值和调整系数的确定, 验证研究方法的合理性 和可操作性, 结合问题探讨, 为该价格体系建设提供实践可行的广东经验。
关键词:  全民所有森林资源资产  宏观尺度价格体系  中观尺度价格体系  微观尺度价格体系  评价指标分级  价格调整系数
Research on the Construction of Micro Price System for Forest Resource Assets Owned by the Whole People
FENG Xinfu1, YU Songbai1, ZHENG Wensong1, DU Qiantai2, XU Peirong2
1.Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute;2.Guangdong Lingnan Comprehensive Prospecting Design Institute
This paper studies the construction method of the micro price system for forest resource assets owned by the whole people in Guangdong Province. By highlighting the significant differences in the natural environment and socio-economic conditions, their impacts on the prices of patch forest land and trees are explored. Methods such as grading of assessment indicators and weight and score setting are adopted to determine the adjustment coefficients for patch forest land and trees. Then, a micro price system that details to include patches is built in combination with the established mesoscale price system for forest resources. Through the construction practice of a micro-scale price system in pilot counties, the determination of weights, scores, and adjustment coefficients of evaluation indicators are specifically studied to verify the rationality and operability of the research method. Combined with the discussion of problems, practical Guangdong experience is provided for the construction of this price system.
Key words:  forest resource assets owned by the whole people  macro price system  mesoscale price sysem  micro price system  grading of assessment indicators  price adjustment factor