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利用物种扩散模型构建广东沿海地区黑脸琵鹭的功能性 生态廊道
杨锡涛1, 钟志强2, 修晨3, 林少娜2, 李艺2, 曾向武2, 段智钊1, 谢首冕2
1.希言自然资源科技广州有限公司;2.广东海丰鸟类省级自然保护区管理处;3.仲恺农业工程学院 园艺园林学院
黑脸琵鹭 Platalea minor 栖息地斑块化导致了其种群规模、地理分布和栖息地利用率都发生了 变化,并阻碍了它们的迁移和扩散,构建功能性生态廊道逐渐成为降低这些影响的最有效手段之一。功 能性生态廊道的连接是基于物种的扩散实现的,然而扩散是最难表观的参数之一。这导致了功能性生态 廊道在构建时面临着巨大的困难,主要包括(1)如何表观物种的扩散趋势;(2)如何利用物种扩散模式 确定功能性生态廊道踏脚石的间距值。鉴于此,以 2010—2020 年广东沿海地区的黑脸琵鹭为研究对象, 利用物种扩散模型,获得了它们的扩散意愿链、踏脚石间距值的估算方法,并完成了功能性生态廊道的 空间布局。结果如下:(1)黑脸琵鹭具有北向、东向和西向的扩散意愿链;(2)功能性生态廊道踏脚石 间的适宜间距为 33~50 km;(3)以此间距为参考,构建功能性生态廊道,可以保持黑脸琵鹭中等强度的 扩散强度,以稳定种群的扩散加速度,避免过高或过低的增长速度,从而更好的发挥扩散的源汇效应。
关键词:  黑脸琵鹭  扩散  栖息地  保护  生态廊道
基金项目:广东海丰鸟类省级自然保护区科学研究项目(440000-202004-199042-0005),广东海丰鸟类省级自然保护区湿地监 测和宣传教育项目(440001-2021-48466),广东省科学院发展专项资金项目(2019GDASYL-0105045),广东省科学院科技发展专项 (2018GDASCX-0107)。
Application of A Species Dispersal Model to Guide the Establishment of AFunctional Ecological Corridor for Platalea minor in The Coastal Areas of Guangdong
Yang Xitao1, Zhong Zhiqiang2, xiu Chen3, Lin Shaona2, Li Yi2, Zeng Xiangwu2, Duan Zhizhao1, Xie Shoumian2
1.Xiyan Natural Resources Technology Guangzhou Co,Ltd,GuangZhou;2.Guangdong Haifeng Avian Natural Reserve,Shanwei;3.College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
Fragmentation of the habitat of black-faced spoonbills (Platalea minor) has resulted in changes to their population size, geographic distribution and habitat utilization, and has hindered their migration and dispersal. It is becoming increasingly accepted that the construction of functional ecological corridors is one of the most effective ways to mitigate these effects. Although functional ecological corridors aim to facilitate the dispersal of species, dispersal is particularly difficult to illustrate for rare and endangered species. This has hindered the planning for the establishment of functional ecological corridors, including (1) how to illustrate the dispersal patterns of a species, and (2) establish the distances between intermediate refuges within functional ecological corridors through using a species dispersal model. This had resulted in the dispersal characteristics of species being insufficiently considered within the establishment of many functional ecological corridors. Using P. minor within the coastal areas of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao from 2010 to 2020, the present study applied species dispersal models to establish dispersal patterns for this species, distances between intermediate refuges and the spatial layout of functional ecological corridors. The results showed that (1)P. minor tend to disperse in northward, eastward, and westward directions. (2) The study calculated an optimal distance of 33–50 km between intermediate refuges along the functional ecological corridor. (3) These results indicate that the establishment of a functional ecological corridor can maintain sufficient levels of population dispersal to avoid excessively high or low growth rates, thereby benefitting from the import and export effects of dispersal. This study therefore provides a theoretical basis for the effective protection of P. minor.
Key words:  black-faced spoonbills (Platalea minor)  dispersal  habitat  protection  ecological corridors