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林丽平1, 罗勇1, 林寿明1, 陈海亮1, 伍国清1, 罗赵慧2
为了给森林土壤碳库管理、 提升适应与应对气候变化能力提供理论依据, 研究以湿地生态系 统 (深圳福田红树林样地)、 陆地生态系统 (陈禾洞天然林样地、 岳山林场生态修复样地以及高州香花油 茶 Camellia osmantha 新造林样地) 的 0~100 cm 土层土壤为研究对象, 对比分析了 4 种生态系统的土壤有 机碳含量、 有机碳密度及其垂直分布特征。 结果表明, 4 种典型森林 0 ~ 100 cm 土层土壤容重平均值为 0. 994~1. 421 g·cm -3 , 有机碳含量为 4. 42~29. 43 g·kg -1 , 有机碳密度为 0. 42 ~ 2. 53 kg·m -2 ; 不同立 地条件生态系统的土壤容重、 土壤有机碳、 土壤碳密度随深度变化存在差异, 湿地生态系统土壤容重最 大值出现在 50~60 cm, 陆地生态系统土壤容重最大值出现在 20~40 cm; 湿地生态系统土壤碳密度随深度 增加总体表现为先增加 (0~60 cm) 后减小 (60~100 cm) 的趋势, 陆地生态系统土壤碳密度总体上随土 壤深度增加而减小。 土壤容重在一定范围内随深度变化而增大, 超过这一范围, 则保持相对稳定; 土壤 有机碳含量随土壤深度增加而减小。 湿地生态系统土壤碳含量显著高于陆地生态系统 (P<0. 05), 人工修 复林地土壤碳含量高于天然林; 陆地生态系统土壤碳密度随土壤深度增加而减小, 适度人为干扰有助于 提高土壤碳密度。
关键词:  典型森林  土壤理化性质  土壤碳储量  广东省
Study on Soil Carbon Variability under Different Environmental Conditions in Guangdong
1.Guangdong Forestry Survey and Planning Institute;2.South China Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry of Environmental Protection
To provide a theoretical basis for forest soil carbon pool management and improving the ability to adapt to and cope with climate change, the 0-100 cm soil layer of wetland ecosystem (Futian mangrove plot in Shenzhen), terrestrial ecosystem (Chenhedong natural forest plot, Yue shan forest farm ecological restoration plot, and Camellia osmantha new planting plot ) were studied. The soil organic carbon content, organic carbon density and vertical distribution characteristics of four ecosystems were compared and analyzed. The results showed that the average soil bulk density in 0 - 100 cm soil layer of four typical forests was 0. 994 - 1. 421 g·cm -3 , the organic carbon content was 4. 42-29. 43 g·kg -1 , and the organic carbon density was 0. 42-2. 53 kg·m -2 . The soil bulk density, soil organic carbon and soil carbon density of ecosystems with different site conditions varied with depth. The maximum soil bulk density of wetland ecosystem appeared in 50-60 cm, and the maximum soil bulk density of terrestrial ecosystem appeared in 20-40 cm. The soil carbon density of wetland ecosystem increased first (0-60 cm) and then decreased (60-100 cm) with the increase of soil depth, while the soil carbon density of terrestrial ecosystem decreased with the increase of soil depth. Soil bulk density increases with depth within a certain range, and remains relatively stable beyond this range. Soil organic carbon content decreased with the increase of soil depth. The soil carbon content of wetland ecosystem was significantly higher than that of terrestrial ecosystem (P<0. 05), and the soil carbon content of artificial restoration forest was higher than that of natural forests. The soil carbon density of terrestrial ecosystems decreased with the increase of soil depth, and moderate human disturbance helped to increase soil carbon density.
Key words:  typical forest  soil physicochemical properties  soil carbon storage  Guangdong province