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梁泽锐, 张耕, 莫玉娟, 卓桂珠, 赵志明, 李大锋
为了解广东省公益林碳汇功能, 文章以 2021—2023 年广东省建设的 25 个公益林示范区为研究 对象, 基于森林资源二类调查数据对示范区的碳汇能力进行计量, 分析不同地区、 森林龄组、 森林类型 碳储量和碳密度的差异性。 结果表明, 广东省 25 个公益林示范区的碳储量为 269. 69×10 4 t, 大多集中在 粤北地区, 以中龄林和阔叶混交林为主, 其占比分别为 42. 6%和 70. 1%; 平均碳密度为 53. 23 t·hm -2 , 近熟林和过熟林的碳密度最高, 阔叶混交林的碳密度是荔枝 Litchi chinensis (龙眼 Dimocarpus longan) 的 105. 8 倍。 中幼龄林约占 25 个公益林示范区森林面积的 64. 66%, 随着公益林示范区继续推动重点林业生 态工程造林, 全面提升森林经营管理水平, 示范区将持续发挥碳汇功能。
关键词:  森林碳汇  碳汇计量  公益林  生物量  蓄积量
基金项目:广东省省级公益林效益补偿资金省统筹经费项目 “广东省生态公益林示范区建设成效监测评估” (2024 年度)。
Forest Carbon Sink Measurement in the Demonstration Area of Public Welfare Forest in Guangdong Province
liangzerui, zhanggeng, moyujuan, ZHUO Guizhu, ZHAO Zhiming, lidafeng
Guangdong Academy Of Forestry
To understand the carbon sink function of public welfare forest in Guangdong province, this paper takes 25 demonstration areas of public welfare forest in Guangdong province from 2021 to 2023 as the research objects, measures the carbon sink capacity of the demonstration areas based on the data from the Second -Class Survey Forest Resources Inventory, and analyzes the differences of carbon storage and carbon density in different regions, forest age classes, and forest types. The results indicate that the carbon storage of 25 demonstration areas of public welfare forest in Guangdong province was 269. 69×10 4 t, most of which were concentrated in northern Guangdong, mainly middle-aged forest and broad-leaved mixed forest, accounting for 42. 6% and 70. 1%, respectively. The average carbon density was 53. 23 t·hm -2 , and the carbon density of near-mature forest and over-mature forest was 105. 8 times that of Litchi chinensis (Dimocarpus longan). The young and middle-aged forests account for about 64. 66% of the forest area of 25 demonstration areas of public welfare forest. As the demonstration areas of public welfare forest continue to promote key forestry ecological engineering afforestation and comprehensively improve the level of forest management, the demonstration area will continue to play a significant role in carbon sink function.
Key words:  forest carbon sink  carbon sink measurement  public welfare forest  biomass  standing volume