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覃俏梅1, 彭莉霞1, 丁鑫1, 贺春燕1, 孟祥玉1, 廖柏勇2, 敖家维1, 杨燕华1
为了全面且深入地研究桃金娘 Rhodomyrtus tomentosa 天然居群表型多样性, 研究对桃金娘自 然分布区内 36 个居群的果实和叶片表型性状进行分析, 选取桃金娘 15 个表型指标, 计算其平均值、 标准 差、 变异系数、 表型分化系数、 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数, 并完成表型性状的聚类分析。 结果表明, 桃金娘各性状的平均变异系数为 6. 87% ~ 40. 83%, 胎座宽度、 叶长、 叶面积和叶周长的平均变异系数较 大, 均在 15%以上。 文山、 桂林和雷州居群的表型性状变异系数较大, 均在 17%以上。 各性状的平均 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数为 0. 68~2. 39, 单轮种子数的平均 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数明显低于其他 性状。 各居群性状的平均 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数为 1. 19 ~ 2. 02, 来宾、 惠州和汕尾居群的表型性状 多样性指数较大。 居群间的方差分量占 22. 91%, 居群内的方差分量占 38. 13%, 表型分化系数为 0. 14 ~ 0. 83。 基于表型性状, 桃金娘居群划分为 4 类。 惠州、 汕尾居群可作为选育大果的优良种质资源, 昌江、 五指山、 温州居群可作为选育可溶性固形物含量高的优良种质资源。
关键词:  桃金娘科  种质资源  表型变异  多样性分析  聚类分析
Phenotypic Diversity Analysis of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Natural Populations Based on Leaf and Fruit Traits
Qin Qiaomei1, Peng Lixia1, Ding Xin1, He Chunyan1, Meng Xiangyu1, Liao Boyong2, Ao Jiawei1, Yang Yanhua1
1.Guangdong Eco-engineering Polytechnic;2.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
To comprehensively and deeply study the phenotypic diversity of natural populations of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, the phenotypic traits of fruits and leaves of 36 populations in the natural distribution area of R. tomentosa were analyzed. Fifteen phenotypic indicators of R. tomentosa were selected to calculate the mean values, standard deviations, coefficients of variation, phenotypic differentiation coefficients, and Shannon-Wiener diversity indices, and the cluster analysis of phenotypic traits was conducted. The results showed that the average coefficient of variation for each trait ranged from 6. 87% to 40. 83%. Notably, the placenta width, leaf length, leaf area, and leaf perimeter exhibited higher average coefficients of variation, all exceeding 15%. The phenotypic trait variation coefficients for the populations in Wenshan, Guilin, and Leizhou were relatively high, all exceeding 17%. The average Shannon -Wiener diversity index for each trait ranged from 0. 68 to 2. 39, with the average Shannon-Wiener diversity index for the number of seeds per whorl being significantly lower than that of other traits. The average Shannon-Wiener diversity indices for the phenotypic traits of the populations ranged from 1. 19 to 2. 02, with the populations in Laibin, Huizhou, and Shanwei exhibiting higher phenotypic trait diversity indices. The variance component among populations accounted for 22. 91%, while the variance component within populations accounted for 38. 13%. The phenotypic differentiation coefficients ranged from 0. 14 to 0. 83. Based on the phenotypic traits, the populations of R. tomentosa were classified into four groups. Notably, R. tomentosa populations from Huizhou and Shanwei are identified as superior germplasm sources for the selection and breeding of large-fruit varieties, while the populations from Changjiang, Wuzhishan and Wenzhou are recognized as superior germplasm sources for the selection and breeding of high brix varieties.
Key words:  Myrtaceae  germplasm resources  phenotypic variation  diversity analysis  cluster analysis