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东莞城市绿地植物群落优势种群的生态位 和种间联结分析∗
沈德才1, 胡桢健2, 陈跃洲3, 罗永光3
为研究城市绿地植物优势种群生态位特征和种间关系, 以东莞市中心城区的 3 种城市绿地群落 为研究对象开展植物群落调查, 分析不同绿地之间物种 alpha 多样性差异, 群落乔木、 灌木和草本植物的 重要值, 生态位宽度 Levins 指数和 Shannon 指数, 生态位重叠 (Pianka 指数), 以及种间关系。 结果表 明, 社区绿地灌木 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数和物种丰富指数显著高于 (P<0. 05) 街头绿地。 公园绿地 草本 Shannon-Wiener 多样性指数和物种丰富度指数显著高于 (P<0. 05) 社区绿地。 公园绿地乔木、 灌木 和草本中生态位宽度前 3 分别为荔枝 Litchi chinensis (BL = 6. 13, BS = 1. 94)、 潺槁木姜子 Litsea glutinosa (BL = 9. 49, BS = 2. 41)、 海金沙 Lygodium japonicum (BL = 20. 73, BS = 3. 17); 街头绿地乔木、 灌木和草 本中生态位宽度前 3 分别为紫薇 Lagerstroemia indica (BL = 4. 15, BS = 1. 51)、 假连翘 Duranta erecta (BL = 3. 53, BS = 1. 40)、 海芋 Alocasia odora (BL = 13. 84, BS = 2. 72); 社区绿地乔木、 灌木和草本中生态位 宽度前 3 分别为四季桂 Osmanthus fragrans (BL = 11. 05, BS = 2. 56)、 幌伞枫 Heteropanax fragrans (BL = 8. 44, BS = 2. 32)、 酢浆草 Oxalis corniculata (BL = 12. 36, BS = 2. 78)。 Pianka 指数表明, 乔木优势种群间 生态位重叠程度较低, 草本优势种群间生态位重叠程度较高。 公园绿地主要物种间的总体关联性均呈显 著正关联; 街头绿地乔木和草本的总体关联性呈显著正关联, 灌木主要物种间呈现显著负相关; 社区绿 地乔木主要物种间呈现显著负相关, 灌木和草本主要物种间呈现显著正相关。 生态位重叠指数与联结系 数 AC 呈极显著正相关。 东莞市中心城区 3 种城市绿地植物群落的物种组成和群落结构较为稳定。 在城市 景观建设和园林绿化中, 应优先选择生态习性和生物学特性相近的物种。
关键词:  东莞市  城市绿地  物种多样性  生态位  种间联结
基金项目:2022 年东莞市社会发展科技项目 (20221800906102)。
Niche and Interspecific Association of Dominant Species in Urban Green Space of Plant Communities of Dongguan City
shendecai1, Hu Zhenjian2, Chen Yuezhou3, Luo Yongguang3
1.Dongguan Institute of Forestry Sciences;2.College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture;3.Dongguan Institute of Forestry Sciences/National Positioning Observation and Research Station of Forest Ecosystem in Pearl River Estuary Urban Agglomeration
The niche characteristics and interspecific relationships of dominant populations were investigated in three urban green space communities located in the central urban area of Dongguan city. The differences in species alpha diversity among different green spaces, the importance values of tree, shrub, and herb plants within the communities, ecological niche widths (Levins and Shannon indices), Pianka index, and interspecific relationships were analyzed. The results showed that the Shannon-Wiener diversity index and species richness index of shrubs in community green spaces were significantly higher than those in street green spaces (P< 0. 05). The Shannon -Wiener diversity index and species richness index of herbaceous plants in park green spaces were significantly higher than those in community green spaces (P<0. 05). The top three niche breadth of trees, shrubs and herbs in the park green spaces were Litchi chinensis (BL = 6. 13, BS = 1. 94), Litsea glutinosa (BL = 9. 49, BS = 2. 41), and Lygodium japonicum ( BL = 20. 73, BS = 3. 17), respectively. The top three niche breadth of trees, shrubs and herbs in the street green spaces were Lagerstroemia indica (BL = 4. 15, BS = 1. 51), Duranta erecta (BL = 3. 53, BS = 1. 40), and Alocasia odora (BL = 13. 84, BS = 2. 72), respectively. The top three niche breadth of trees, shrubs and herbs in the community green spaces were Osmanthus fragrans (BL = 11. 05, BS = 2. 56), Heteropanax fragrans (BL = 8. 44, BS = 2. 32), and Oxalis corniculata (BL = 12. 36, BS = 2. 78), respectively. The Pianka index showed that the niche overlap between dominant tree populations was low, and the niche overlap between dominant herb populations was high. The overall correlation between the main species in the park green space was significantly positively correlated. The overall correlation between trees and herbs in street green spaces was significantly positive, and there was a significant negative correlation between the main species of shrub. There was a significant negative correlation between the main species of tree in the community green spaces, and a significant positive correlation between the main species of shrub and herb. There was a strong and positive correlation between the ecological niche overlap index and the association coefficient AC. The species composition and community structure of the three urban green spaces plant communities in Dongguan city are relatively stable. Based on this, in urban landscape construction and gardening, priority should be given to selecting species with similar ecological habits and biological characteristics.
Key words:  Dongguan city  urban green space  species diversity  niche  interspecific association