摘要: |
为了探究不同温度处理下不同储存时间卷荚相思 Acacia cincinnata 种子的萌发状态, 研究以储
存时间为 4、 2 和 0 a (当年采集) 的 3 种卷荚相思种子为试验材料, 经 25、 40、 60、 80 和 100 ℃水温处
理下浸泡 24 h, 对种子的发芽率、 发芽势、 发芽指数、 胚根长及生物量指标进行分析。 结果表明, 不同温
度处理下卷荚相思种子萌芽各指标均达到极显著差异 (P<0. 01), 其中当年采集的种子经 100 ℃水温处理
后发芽率、 发芽势和发芽指数均达到最大值, 分别为 73. 2%、 47. 2%和 7. 32。 整体而言, 种子发芽率、
发芽势和发芽指数随温度升高而上升, 随储存时间的延长而下降。 综合比较卷荚相思种子萌发的各项指
标, 以当年采集经 100 ℃水温处理 24 h 的种子萌发效果最佳。 |
关键词: 卷荚相思种子 处理温度 储存时间 种子萌发 |
DOI: |
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基金项目:福建省种苗科技攻关 (七期) 项目 (ZMGG-0709), 福建省林业科技项目 (2024FKJ29)。 |
Effects of Different Temperature Treatments and Storage Time on Seed Germination of Acacia cincinnata |
he shi bin
Zhangpu Zhongxi State-owned Forest Farm in Fujian Province
Abstract: |
To explore the germination state of Acacia cincinnata seeds in different storage time under different temperature treatments. Three kinds of A. cincinnata seeds stored for 4, 2 and 0 years ( the current year
without storage) were used as experimental materials. The germination rate, germination potential, germination
index, radicl length and biomass of the seeds were analyzed after soaking for 24 hours at different temperatures
of 25, 40, 60, 80, 100 ℃. The results showed significant differences (P<0. 01) in A. cincinnata seeds germination indexes under different temperature treatments. The germination rate, germination potential and germination index of seeds collected at 100 ℃ in the same year were the highest, which were 73. 2%, 47. 2% and
7. 32, respectively. Overall, the seed germination rate, germination potential and germination index increased
with the increase of temperature and decreased with the extension of storage time. The best seed germination
effect was obtained when the seeds were collected in the current year and treated at 100 ℃ water temperature for
24 hours. |
Key words: Acacia cincinnata seeds temperature treatment storage time seed germination |