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莫罗坚1, 胡秋艳1, 张庆威2, 林 艳1, 李子雍1, 黄久香2
为了探究丹霞梧桐 Firmiana danxiaensis 不同器官的代谢物差异及药用价值, 采用气相色谱— 质谱联用技术 (Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, GC-MS) 对其根、 茎和叶进行代谢物分析与鉴 定, 利用主成分分析 (Principal component analysis, PCA)、 正交偏最小二乘法判别分析 (Orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis, OPLS-DA) 和京都基因与基因组百科全书 (Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes, KEGG) 通路富集分析对不同器官的代谢物进行筛选与富集分析。 结果显示, 共检测 到 10 558 个代谢物, 包括 5 184 个差异代谢物, 其中根和茎的差异代谢物 2 965 个, 根和叶的差异代谢物 3 611 个, 茎和叶的差异代谢物 3 662 个。 KEGG 分析结果显示, 差异代谢物在黄酮和类黄酮的生物合成 通路中富集较为明显, 丹霞梧桐的核心差异代谢物中共有 16 个黄酮化合物参与代谢。
关键词:  丹霞梧桐  非靶向代谢组学  差异代谢物  黄酮类
基金项目:东莞市社会科技发展项目 (2019507101550)。
Analysis of Metabolites in Different Organs of Firmiana danxiaensis Based on Untargeted Metabolomics
Mo Luojian1, Hu Qiuyan1, Zhang Qingwei2, Lin Yan1, Li Ziyong1, Huang Jiuxiang2
1.Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science/Forest Ecosystem Research Station in City Cluster of the Pearl River Estuary;2.South China Agricultural University
To explore the differences and medicinal value of metabolites in different organs of Firmiana danxiaensis, the metabolites extracted from root, stem and leaves were analyzed and identified by Gas chromatography - mass spectrometry ( GC - MS). Principal component analysis ( PCA), orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA), and Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) pathway enrichment analysis were used to screen and enrich metabolites in different organs. The results showed that 10 558 metabolites were detected, including 5 184 differential metabolites. Among them, there were 2 965 differential metabolites between root and stem, 3 611 differential metabolites between root and leaf, and 3 662 differential metabolites between stem and leaf. The results of the KEGG pathway analysis showed that the differential metabolites were significantly enriched in the biosynthetic pathways of flavonoids and flavonols. A total of 16 flavonoids were found to be involved in the metabolism of the core differential metabolites of F. danxiaensis.
Key words:  Firmiana danxiaensis  untargeted metabolomics  differential metabolite  flavonoid