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叶自慧,叶小玲,胡晓敏,熊婷婷,熊育明,高珊,朱 军,王孝汝
为探究华中樱桃 Cerasus conradinae 种子萌发特性, 提高种子萌发效率, 文章以湖北省赤壁市 野生华中樱桃的自然成熟果实为材料, 研究不同储藏时间、 赤霉素浓度和浸种水 pH 值对华中樱桃种子发 芽的影响。 结果表明, (1) 华中樱桃种子干燥后密封置于 4 ℃冷藏, 寿命约为 1 a, 期间种子发芽率随储 藏时间延长呈逐步下降的趋势, 不同储藏时间处理发芽率差异极显著 (P<0. 01), 储藏 15 个月后种子不 萌发, 最佳储藏时间为 5 个月; (2) 华中樱桃种子储藏 4 个月后, 1 000、 1 250、 1 500 mg·L -1 赤霉素处 理对华中樱桃种子发芽存在明显抑制作用, 且随着浓度的增加, 抑制作用增强; (3) 浸种时水的 pH 值为 6. 5 时, 发芽率最高, 为 58. 89%, 强酸或强碱处理均不利于华中樱桃种子萌发。
关键词:  华中樱桃  种子  发芽率
Effect of Different Treatments on Germination of Cerasus Conradinae Seeds
yezihui1,2, Ye Xiaoling3, Hu Xiaomin1, Xiong Tingting1, Xiong Yunming1,2, Gao Shan4, ZHU Jun4, WANG Xiaoru5
1.Guangzhou Tianshi Group Co., Ltd,;2.Guangdong Guodi Planning Technology Co., Ltd;3.Guangzhou Wangdi Landscape Architecture Co., Ltd;4.Yingde Wangdi Cerasus Planting Co., Ltd;5.Guangzhou Wangdi Landscape Architecture Co. , Ltd
In order to investigate the germination characteristics and improve the germination efficiency of Cerasus conradinae seeds, this paper used the naturally mature fruits of wild C. conradinae in Chibi city, Hubei Province as materials to study different storage times, GA3 concentration, and pH values of soaking water on the germination of C. conradinae seeds. The results show that (1) Under the condition of being sealed and refrigerated at 4 ℃ after drying, the life span of C. conradinae seeds is about 1 year. During this period, the germination rate of seeds gradually decreases with the extension of storage time. After 15 months of storage, the seeds do not germinate, and the optimal storage time is 5 months; (2) After 4 months of storage of C. conradinae seeds, 1 000, 1 250 and 1 500 mg·L -1 GA3 treatment has an obvious inhibitory effect on the germination, and with the increase of concentration the inhibition is enhanced. (3) When the pH value of seed soaking water is 6. 5, the germination rate is the highest at 58. 89%. Strong acid or alkali treatment is not conducive to the germination of C. conradinae seeds.
Key words:  Cerasus conradinae  seed  germination rate