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许彩娟1, 蓝玉姣2, 岑丽芳3, 梁杰培4
近年来, 过度砍伐以及气候变化导致可利用木质资源逐渐减少。 由于竹材与木材成分存在结 构的差异性, 使用竹材代替木材应用于透明材料的制备, 探索通过脱木质素后浸渍环氧树脂制备高透明 度、 高强度的竹基透明材料的最佳工艺, 实现竹材高效利用, 将在很大程度上缓解木质资源短缺问题。 研究采用正交实验, 分析处理时间 (A)、 竹片厚度 (B)、 亚氯酸钠质量分数 (C) 三因素对脱木素及竹 基透明材料性能的影响。 试验结果发现当处理时间为 6 h、 竹片厚度为 0. 8~1. 0 mm、 NaClO2 质量分数为 4%时, 所得到的竹基透明材料性能最好, 其透光率最高可达 35. 14%, 雾度为 94. 79%。 实验提供了一种 简单有效的天然竹基透明材料的制备方法, 应用此方法制备出的材料具有可持续、 环保且高性能的特点, 能够减少对传统塑料和玻璃的依赖, 实现 “以竹代塑”。
关键词:  竹基透明材料  脱木素工艺  正交实验  透光率  环氧树脂
Study on the Preparation Mechanism of Natural Bamboo-based Transparent Materials
xucaijuan1, LAN Yujiao2, CEN Lifang3, LIANG Jiepei4
1.Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Testing Institute of Product Quality;2.Guangxi Xida Testing Co., Ltd;3.College of Resources, Environment and Materials, Guangxi University;4.Guangxi Forestry Industry Group Stock Corporation
In recent years, excessive logging and climate change have led to a gradual decline in available wood resources. Due to the structural differences in the components of bamboo and wood, substituting bamboo for wood in the preparation of transparent materials explores optimal processes for producing high transparency and strength bamboo-based materials after delignification and epoxy resin impregnation. Efficient utilization of bamboo is expected to significantly alleviate the shortage of wood resources. This study employed orthogonal experiments to analyze the effects of processing time (A), bamboo chip thickness (B), and sodium chlorite mass fraction (C) on delignification and the properties of bamboo-based transparent materials. Experimental results indicate that the best performance of bamboo-based transparent materials is achieved under conditions of 6 hours of processing time, bamboo chip thickness of 0. 8 mm to 1. 0 mm, and sodium chlorite mass fraction of 4%, yielding a maximum light transmittance of 35. 14% and haze of 94. 79%. This study provides a simple and effective method for preparing natural bamboo-based transparent materials, which exhibit sustainability, environ-mental friendliness, and high performance, reducing reliance on traditional plastics and glass and realizing the concept of " bamboo instead of plastic" .
Key words:  transparent bamboo  delignin process  orthogonal experiment  transmittance  epoxy resin