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张宏博1, 黄华毅2, 侯晨2, 张谦2, 李兵2, 汪迎利2, 郭智威3, 殷祚云1
为提高龙脑型阴香枝叶的生物量和蒸馏后龙脑精油的产量和质量, 研究通过电镜识别阴香叶 斑病病原菌的形态学特征, 分离、 纯化阴香叶病斑中的真菌, 利用柯赫氏法则筛选出阴香叶斑病的致病 真菌, 再经形态学特征观察、 ITS (Internal transcribed spacer) 片段扩增、 DNA 测序和系统发育树的构建 明确致病真菌的种类。 结果表明, 胶孢炭疽菌 Colletotrichum gloeosporioides 和暹罗刺盘孢 Colletotrichum siamense 可能是阴香叶斑病的病原真菌。
关键词:  阴香  叶斑病  真菌鉴定  ITS片段  系统发育树
基金项目:广东省林业科研项目 (2023KYXM08), 广东省林业科技创新项目 (2022KJCX006)。
Isolation and characterisation of pathogenic fungi that lead to leaf spot disease in Cinnamomum burmanni
Zhang Hongbo1, Huang Huayi2, Hou Chen2, Zhang Qian2, Li Bing2, Wang Yingli2, GUO Zhiwei3, YIN Zuoyun1
1.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry;3.Longyandong Forest Farm of Guangdong Province
To increase the biomass of borneol-type Cinnamomum burmanni branches and leaves as well as the yield and quality of distilled borneol essential oil, the morphological characteristics of the pathogen of leaf spot disease in C. burmanni were identified by electron microscopy, and pathogenic fungi of leaf spot disease were isolated and purified from the infected leaves of C. burmanni. These pathogenic fungi were screened using Koch′s Rule, and further identified through morphological characterisation, amplicafication of ITS ( Internal transcribed spacer) fragments, DNA sequencing and construction of a phylogenetic tree. The results showed that Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum siamense are likely pathogenic fungi that lead to leaf spot disease in C. burmanni.
Key words:  Cinnamomum burmanni  leaf spot disease  fungal identification  ITS fragments  phylogenetic tree