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伍观娣1, 胡德活1, 郑会全1, 王润辉1, 韦如萍1, 晏姝1, 黄荣1, 邱志雄2
为构建南岭山区杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolate 大径材高效培育技术体系, 提高南岭山区杉木大 径材产量与质量, 采用正交设计对杉木中龄林进行间伐与施肥试验, 3 a 后进行林分生长分析。 T 检验分 析结果显示, 处理 T-3 (间伐后密度 1 500 株·hm -2 , 每株尿素 200 g, 过磷酸钙 600 g)、 T-6 (间伐后 密度 1 200 株·hm -2 , 每株尿素 200 g) 的单位面积蓄积在处理前、 后间分别达显著 (P<0. 05)、 极显著 差异 (P<0. 01)。 最优的胸径-树高生长模型拟合为 y = 3. 783 8x 0. 472 7 。 不同材种生长分析结果显示, 处理 前和处理后各材种总体呈现小径材递减, 中径材、 大径材递增的趋势。 正交试验分析表明, 密度控制和 追肥效应对杉木中龄林材种结构有影响。 间伐后增加大径材出材率最佳因素组合为 A3B3C2 , 即最小密度 900 株·hm -2 , 每株最大尿素用量 200 g 和中等水平过磷酸钙 300 g; 增加大径材出材量最佳因素组合为 A3B3C1 , 即最小密度 900 株·hm -2 , 每株最大尿素用量 200 g 和最低水平过磷酸钙 0 g。
关键词:  杉木  中龄林  大径材培育  密度控制  施肥控制
Early Effects of Thinning and Topdressing on Changes of Timber Assortment Structure in Middleaged Cunninghamia lanceolate
Wu Guandi1, Hu Dehuo1, Zheng Huiquan1, Wangl Runhui1, Wei Ruping1, Yan Shu1, Huang Rong1, Qiu Zhixiong2
1.Guangdong Academy of Forestry;2.Guangdong Shaoguan State-owned Forest Farm
To construct the efficient cultivation technology system of Cunninghamia lanceolate diameter timber in the Nanling mountain area, and improve the yield and quality of large diameter timber of C. lanceolate in the Nanling mountain area, the orthogonal design was used to carry out the thinning and fertilization experi-ment of C. lanceolate middle-aged forest, and the stand growth was carried out after 3 years. T-test analysis results showed that the unit area accumulation of T-3 (After thinning, the density was 1 500 plants per hm 2 , with each plant being fertilized with 200 g urea and 600 g calcium superphosphate) and T-6 (The density after thinning was 1 200 plants per hm 2 , with each plant being fertilized with 200 g) reached significant (P<0. 05) and extremely significant difference (P < 0. 01) before and after treatment, respectively. The optimal DBH - height growth model fitting was y = 3. 783 8x 0. 472 7 . The results of growth analysis of different timber assortment structures showed that before and after treatment, timber assortment structures showed a decreasing trend of small diameter timber, and an increasing trend of medium diameter timber and large diameter timber. Orthogo-nal test analysis showed that the density control and topdressing effect had an effect on the timber assortment structures of C. lanceolate middle age forest. The optimal combination of factors for increasing the yield of large diameter timber was A3B3C2 , that is, the minimum density (900 plants per hm 2 ), the amount of urea (200 g per plant), and the medium level of calcium superphosphate (300 g per plant), which is the most conducive to increase the yield of large diameter timber. The best combination of factors to increase the output of large diame-ter timber was A3B3C1 , that is, the minimum density (900 plants per hm 2 ), the amount of urea (200 g per plant), and the minimum level of calcium superphosphate (0 g per plant).
Key words:  Cunninghamia lanceolate  middle age forest  cultivation for large diameter timber  density control  fertilization control