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郭彦青1, 李威慧2, 袁霖2, 张钟慧2
为推动广东省森林城市高质量发展提供参考, 研究采用极值等分法与赋值法等, 以截至 2020 年成功创建的 11 个国家森林城市为研究对象, 从生态文化活动、 生态文化活动累计参加人数、 森林文化 品牌数量、 省级以上宣传报道频次开展广东森林城市生态文化建设水平与影响力评价研究。 结果表明: 全省森林城市生态文化建设水平级别为优秀的有广州市与深圳市, 良好的仅佛山市, 一般的有珠海、 肇 庆、 江门、 梅州、 中山市, 差的有惠州、 东莞与汕头市。 为进一步提高广东省森林城市生态文化影响力, 应充分挖掘本土资源, 发展多元生态文化产业, 并加大宣传力度。
关键词:  森林城市  生态文化  影响力  广东
Evaluation of Ecological and Cultural Influence of Forest Cities in Guangdong Province
GUO Yanqing1, LI Weihui2, YUAN Lin2, ZHANG Zhonghui2
1.Guangdong Eco-Engineering Polytechnic, Guangzhou;2.Guangdong Eco-Engineering Design And Research Institute CO.LTD
Using the extreme value equal division method and assignment method, this study takes 11 na tional forest c - ities successfully created as of 2020 as research objects and evaluates the level and influence of ecological and cultural construction in Guangdong′s forest cities from the perspectives of ecological and cultural activities, cumulative number of participants in ecological and cultural activities, number of forest cultural brands, and frequency of publicity and reporting at or above the provincial level, providing reference for promoting high -quality development of forest cities in Guangdong province. The results show that Guangzhou and Shenzhen have excellent levels of ecological and cultural construction in forest cities throughout the province, only Foshan has good levels, Zhuhai, Zhaoqing, Jiangmen, Meizhou, and Zhongshan have average levels, and Huizhou, Dongguan, and Shantou have poor levels. To further enhance the ecological and cultural influence of forest cities in Guangdong province, it is necessary to fully tap into local resources, develop diverse ecological and cultural industries, and increase publicity efforts.
Key words:  forest city  ecological culture  effect  Guangdong