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5 个树葡萄品种在广州地区的引种适应性分析
列淦文, 贺春燕, 张娅欣, 彭莉霞
为了研究树葡萄 Plinia cauliflora 在广州地区的引种适应性, 研究对 5 个树葡萄品种的成活率、 花、 果、 叶物候及果实品质性状等进行了分析, 结果表明: 5 个树葡萄品种在广州地区均能成活, 其中沙 巴 P. cauliflora ‘Shaba’ 和福冈 P. cauliflora ‘Fukuoka’ 的成活率最高, 1 095 d 后均在 88%以上; 所有树 葡萄品种常年开花, 但艾斯卡 P. cauliflora ‘Esca’ 和绿水晶 P. cauliflora ‘Greencrystal’ 相比沙巴、 福冈 和四季 P. cauliflora ‘Siji’ 来说, 开花时间较晚; 不同品种树葡萄的结果树龄不同, 艾斯卡、 四季和绿水 晶能较早结果, 5 个树葡萄品种结果期较长, 可作为观果树种; 5 个品种叶色变化期持续时间长, 可作为 观叶树种, 常年均有叶芽萌动和新叶变绿的情况, 但落叶期却有差异。 综上所述, 沙巴、 福冈在广州地区 表现出较强的引种适应性, 存活率较高、 花果期长、 果型较大、 甜度高, 是较为优良的树葡萄品种。
关键词:  树葡萄  引种  适应性  广州  品质特征
基金项目:广东省林业科技创新项目 (2020KJCX011), 广东省普通高校青年创新人才项目 (自然科学) (2021KQNCX189)。
Adaptability of Five Varieties of Plinia cauliflora Introduced to Guangzhou
Lie Gan Wen, HE Chunyan, ZHANG Yaxin, PENG Lixia
Guangdong Eco-engineering Polytechinic
In order to study the introduction adaptability of Plinia cauliflora in the Guangzhou area, the surival rate, flower, fruit, leaf phenology, and fruit quality traits of 5 different varieties of P. cauliflora were analyzed. The results showed that all 5 varieties of P. cauliflora could survive in the Guangzhou area, and the survival rate of P. cauliflora ‘ Shaba’ and P. cauliflora ‘ Fukuoka’ was the highest, both above 88% after introduced 1 095 d. All varieties flowered all year round. Compared to P. cauliflora ‘Shaba’, P. cauliflora ‘Fukuoka’ and P. cauliflora ‘Siji’, the flowering time of P. cauliflora ‘Esca’ and P. cauliflora ‘Greencrystal’ were later. The phenological observation of the fruit stage showed that the fruit ages of different varieties of P. cauliflora were different. P. cauliflora ‘Esca’, P. cauliflora ‘ Siji’ and P. cauliflora ‘ Greencrystal’ could bear fruit earlier. All of them had a longer fruit stage and could be used as ornamental fruit species. The leaf phenology of 5 varieties of P. cauliflora showed that the leaf color change period lasted for a long time, which could be used as foliage trees. All of them all year round had sprouted and new leaves turned green, but their deciduous periods were different. To sum up, P. cauliflora ‘Shaba’ and P. cauliflora ‘Fukuoka’ showed strong adaptability to introduction in the Guangzhou area, with higher survival rates, longer fruit stages, larger fruit types, higher sweetness, are better varieties.
Key words:  Plinia cauliflora  introduction  adaptability  Guangzhou  quality traits