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丁文恩, 向司宇, 范秀琼, 杨生丽, 唐国涛, 肖腊兴, 李志良, 魏锦秋
梅州市农林科学院林业研究所/ 广东省林下特色资源(梅州)开发应用工程技术研究中心
为筛选出适合梅州地区推广种植的黑木相思 Acacia melanoxylon 优良无性系, 研究以 SR3、 SR14、 SR17、 SR20、 SR21、 SR53、 SF1、 MZ1 共 8 个黑木相思无性系为研究对象, 测量其造林后 2 a 内 的胸径、 树高和冠幅, 同时以 SR3 为对象, 研究造林抚育过程中分别施用大颗粒复合肥和复混肥后的生 长表现。 结果表明: 所有黑木相思无性系造林 1. 6 a 后胸径、 树高和冠幅都极显著提高 (P<0. 01), 不同 黑木相思无性系之间胸径、 树高和冠幅存在极显著差异 (P<0. 01), 其中 SR17 的年生长速度最快, SR17 和 SR14 的早期生长表现明显好于其他无性系, 黑木相思幼林抚育过程中施大颗粒复合肥后的生长表现好 于复混肥。 综合早期生长表现, SR17、 SR14 生长速度快, 适应性强, 适合在粤东地区推广种植; 营林过 程中施大颗粒复合肥更有效率。
关键词:  黑木相思  无性系  梅州
基金项目:广东省林业科技计划项目 (2021-KYXM-08)
Early Growth Performance of Excellent Acacia melanoxylon Clones in Meizhou Regional Trial
DING Wenen, XIANG Siyu, FAN Xiuqiong, YANG Shengli, TANG Guotao, XIAO Laxing, LI Zhiliang, WEI Jinqiu
Forestry Research Institute,Meizhou Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences/Guangdong Engineering Technology Research Center Meizhou for the Development and Use of the Forest Characteristic Resources,Meizhou
In order to identify superior clones of Acacia melanoxylon suitable for cultivation in the Meizhou region, this study focused on 9 clones of A. melanoxylon, including SR3, SR14, SR17, SR20, SR21, SR53, SF1 and MZ1. The study measured their diameter at breast height ( DBH), tree height, and crown width within two years after afforestation. Additionally, the study examined the growth performance during afforestation and tending processes by separately applying large granule compound fertilizer and complex mixed fertilizer to the SR3 clone. The results indicated that the DBH, tree height, and crown width of all A. melanoxylon clones showed significant improvement (P< 0. 01) after 1. 6a of afforestation, and there were significant differences in DBH, tree height, and crown width among different clones of A. melanoxylon (P<0. 01), with SR17 exhibiting the fastest annual growth rate. The early growth performance of SR17 and SR14 was notably better than that of other clones. The growth performance of A. melanoxylon young forests was better after the application of large granule compound fertilizer than after the application of complex mixed fertilizer. Based on early growth performance, SR17 and SR14 exhibit fast growth rates and strong adaptability, making them suitable for widespread cultivation in the eastern region of Guangdong. The application of large granule compound fertilizer during afforestation processes proves to be more efficient.
Key words:  Acacia melanoxylon  clone  Meizhou