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苏纯兰1, 严朝东1, 刘颂颂1, 曹洪麟2, 沈德才1, 刘婷1, 潘丽婵1
为研究不同间伐强度和乡土阔叶树种套种对华南地区马占相思 Acacia mangium 人工林 (林龄 25 年) 地表凋落物和土壤水源涵养的影响, 以东莞市大岭山森林公园内东莞市林业科学园的马占相思人 工林为研究对象, 设置 3 种间伐强度: 0、 30%、 60%, 编号为 A、 B、 D, 间伐后以相同措施均匀套种 49 种乡土阔叶树种, 以不间伐、 不套种的马占相思纯林为对照 (编号 C)。 改造 15 年后, 采用典型样地调查 法, 在各样地设立 12 个凋落物收集器, 采集凋落物; 采用环刀法采集表层土壤 (0~20 cm)。 用浸水法和 烘干法研究凋落物、 土壤的持水能力。 不同改造模式下马占相思人工林凋落物生物量、 最大持水量、 最大 拦蓄量、 有效拦蓄量变化范围分别为 0. 72 ~ 1. 18 t·hm -2 、 17. 70 ~ 28. 64 t·hm -2 、 136. 46 ~ 234. 37 t· hm -2 、 113. 32~195. 37 t·hm -2 , 均呈现 A>B>D>C, 且不同改造模式差异显著 (P<0. 01)。 通过回归拟 合发现, 累积持水量与浸水时间呈显著的三次关系, 吸水速率与浸水时间呈显著的倒数关系; 累积失水量 与失水时间呈显著的三次关系, 失水速率与失水时间呈显著的倒数关系。 不同改造模式下的土壤毛管孔隙 度变化范围为 19. 63% ~ 26. 85%; 非毛管孔隙度变化范围为 13. 94% ~ 19. 6%; 总空隙度的变化范围为 38. 27% ~43. 84%; 土壤容重变化范围为 1~1. 09。 研究还发现, 土壤总孔隙度和毛管孔隙度越高, 土壤保 水能力越好。 该研究结果表明: 不同间伐强度和乡土阔叶树种套种对凋落物和土壤的水文效应的影响较为 显著。 从林分质量和森林经营可持续发展的角度考虑, 间伐与套种相结合的模式在增加生物多样性、 促进 森林更新与演替、 提高枯落物和土壤水源涵养功能等方面更具优势。
关键词:  马占相思  间伐强度  凋落物  土壤  水文效应
基金项目:东莞市社会发展科技项目 ( 20231800938582), 东莞市财政专项 (C802110012), 东莞市财政专项 ( 4419002200000000 84787)。
Litter and Soil Hydrological Effects in Acacia mangium Plantation under Different Transformation Modes
Su Chun-lan1, YAN Chaodong1, LIU Songsong1, CAO Honglin2, SHEN Decai1, LIU Ting1, PAN Lichan1
1.Dongguan Institute of Forestry Science/Forest Ecosystem Research Station in City Cluster of the Pearl River Estuary;2.South China Botanical Garden,Chinese Academy of Sciences
To study the effects of different thinning intensities and interplanting of native broad-leaved tree species on the surface litter and soil water conservation of Acacia mangium plantation (25 years old) in South China, so as to provide near-natural management and ecological services for plantations of South China. Acacia mangium plantation in Dongguan Forestry Science Park in Dongguan Daling Mountain Forest Park was taken as the research object. Three thinning intensities were set as 0, 30%, and 60%, numbered as A, B and D. After thinning, 49 native broad-leaved tree species were interplanted evenly with the same measures, and pure Acacia mangium plantation without thinning and interplanting was taken as the control ( NO. C). After 15 years of transformation, 12 litter collectors were set up in each plot by typical plot survey method to collect litter. Surface soil (0-20 cm) was collected by ring knife method. The water holding capacity of litter and soil was studied by soaking and drying methods. The variation ranges of litter biomass, maximum water holding capacity, maximum storage capacity and effective storage capacity of Acacia mangium plantation were 0. 72-1. 18 t·hm -2 , 17. 70-28. 64 t·hm -2 , 136. 46-234. 37 t·hm -2 and 113. 32-195. 37 t·hm -2 , showing A>B>D>C. There were significant differences in different transformation modes (P<0. 01). It was also found that the cumulative water holding capacity and soaking time had a significant three-time relationship, and the water absorption rate and soaking time had a significant reciprocal relationship. The cumulative water loss and water loss time showed an obvious three-time relationship, and the water loss rate and water loss time showed an obvious reciprocal relationship. The variation range of soil capillary porosity was 19. 63%-26. 85%. The variation range of non-capillary porosity is 13. 94% -19. 6%. The variation range of total porosity was 38. 27% -43. 84%. The variation range of soil bulk density was 1-1. 09. The study also found that the higher the soil total porosity and capillary porosity, the better the soil water retention capacity. The results of this study showed that the effects of different thinning intensities and native broad-leaved tree interplanting on the hydrological effects of litter and soil were significant. From the perspective of stand quality and sustainable development of forest management, the model of combining thinning with interplanting has more advantages in increasing biodiversity, promoting forest regeneration and succession, and improving the function of litter and soil water conservation.
Key words:  Acacia mangium  Thinning intensity  Litter  Soil  Hydrological Effects