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肇庆新岗国有林场 1 hm 2 样地乔木层植物空间 分布格局及种间关联研究
邓海亮1, 宋玉龙2, 邓启好1
乔木在森林生态系统中发挥至关重要的作用。 研究以肇庆新岗国有林场 1 hm 2样地为研究对 象, 对样地内乔木植物的调查统计结果表明, 1 hm 2样地中共有 103 种乔木, 分析得出重要性前十的优势 种群, 前三名分别为杉木 Cunninghamia lanceolata > 华润楠 Machilus chinensis > 毛锦杜鹃花 Rhododendron moulmainense。 同时用 7 种种群分布格局分析的方法综合分析样地内优势种的分布格局, 10 个优势种群均 表现为聚集分布, 说明该物种对群落内的环境较为适应, 群落比较稳定。 在 X 2检验的基础之上, 采用联 结系数 AC 定性分析种间的联结性强度, 综合结果表明样地内的群落稳定性强, 乔木植物种间与环境之间 的关系较为稳定。
关键词:  肇庆新岗国有林场  乔木植物  空间分布格局  种间关联性
基金项目:省级财政专项资金 (生态林业建设) 项目。
Spatial Distribution Pattern and Interspecific Association of Trees in 1 Hectare Sample Land in Xingang State-owned Forest Farm, Zhaoqing
Deng Hailiang1, Song Yulong2, DENG Qi-hao1
1.State-owned Xingang Forest Farm in Zhaoqing City;2.Guangdong Huaiji Dachouding Provincial Nature Reserve Management Office
Arbor plays a vital role in forest ecosystems. In this study, a large sample of 1 hectare of largescale land in State-owned Forest Farm of Xingang was analyzed. And arbor plants in the large-scale plot were surveyed and analyzed. The results showed that there were 103 species of trees in the 1-hectare plot. The analysis showed the top ten dominant populations of importance, and the top three were Cunninghamia lanceolata > Machilus chinensis > Rhododendron moulmainense. At the same time, the distribution pattern of dominant species in 1-hectare large sample land was comprehensively analyzed by the method of analysis of the distribution pattern of 7 kinds of population, and all 10 dominant populations showed aggregate distribution, indicating that this species was more adapted to the environment in the community and the community was more stable. On the basis of the X 2 test, the linkage strength between species was qualitatively analyzed by the linkage coefficient AC, and the comprehensive results showed that the community stability in 1 hectare large sample land was strong, and the relationship between arbor plants and the environment was relatively stable. The study investigated and monitored the arbor plants of the State-owned Forest Farm in Zhaoqing Xingang, which provided a basis for promoting the efficient utilization and accurate management of arbor plant resources in the State-owned Forest Farm.
Key words:  Zhaoqing Xingang State-owned Forest Farm  Arbor plants  spatial distribution pattern  Interspecific associations