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龚粤宁1, 赵健2, 刘志发1, 朱永亨2, 黄敏1, 王昊天3
广东南岭国家级自然保护区是华南地区两栖动物多样性较高的保护区之一。 经实地调查并对历 史文献厘定, 截止 2023 年 7 月, 确认保护区的两栖动物 2 目 8 科 26 属 45 种, 包括有尾目 1 科 2 属 2 种, 无尾目 7 科 24 属 43 种。 增补 7 种发现于保护区的新种及新记录种, 并对多个存疑记录进行简要说明
关键词:  南岭山脉  两栖纲  多样性  名录
基金项目:广东南岭国家级自然保护区管理局 “南岭国家公园建设初期重要样线、 样点建设” 项目。
Taxonomic Revision of Amphibians in Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve
GONG Yuening1, ZHAO Jian2, LIU Zhifa1, ZHU Yongheng2, HUANG Min1, WANG Haotian3
1.Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve;2.Shenzhen Shuanghuamu Biological Technology Co.,Ltd.;3.Museum of Biology, Sun Yet-Sen University
Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve is one of the protectedareas with high amphibian diversity in South China. After a field survey and revision of historical documents, by the end of July 2023, 45 species of amphibians belonging to 2 orders, 8 families, 26 genera, and 45 species were confirmed in the reserve, including 1 family, 2 genera, and 2 species in Caudata, and 7 families, 24 genera and 43 species in Anura. Seven new species and records found in the reserve were added, and several doubtful records were briefly decribed.
Key words:  Nanling Mountains  Amphibia  diversity  species list