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李志飞, 梁品航, 叶有华, 黄婉婷, 方蕴仪
了解当前高校存留山地森林植物群落多样性现状,揭示坡度对植物多样性的影响机制,以仲恺农业工程学院存留山地森林为例,进行不同坡度植被群落调查。采用无人机航拍,依据获取的影像和数字高程模型(DEM)数据进行坡度分级,植被群落样方的坡度分为 4 个等级,即Ⅰ级(0°~5°] 平坡、Ⅱ级(5°~15°] 缓坡、Ⅲ级(15°~25°] 斜坡、Ⅳ级 (25°~35°] 陡坡。结果显示,仲恺存留山地植物共有 161种,分属于 72 科 130 属;4 种不同坡度乔灌层的物种丰富度依次为:缓坡 > 斜坡 > 陡坡 > 平坡;4 种不同坡度草本层物种丰富度依次为:平坡 > 斜坡 > 缓坡 > 陡坡;不同坡度乔灌草 3 层的重要值差异不显著。
关键词:  仲恺存留山地  坡度  植物群落  物种多样性
The Infl uence of Slope on Species Diversity of Plant Community in the Remaining Mountains of Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
Lizhifei, Liangpinhang, yeyouhua, Huang Wanting, Fang Yunyi
Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering
This study aims to understand the current status of plant community diversity in the remaining mountain forests of universities through surveys and investigations and to reveal the impact of slope gradients on plant diversity. The remaining mountain forests of Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering were taken as an example to investigate the vegetation communities on diff erent slopes. The UAV aerial photography was used to classify the slope according to the obtained images and digital elevation model(DEM) data. The slope gradients were divided into four levels based on the plot samples: Level I (0°-5°], Level II (5°-15°], Level III (15°-25°], and Level IV (25°-35°]. The results show that there are a total of 161 plant species belonging to 72 families and 130 genera in the Zhongkai remaining mountain forest. The species richness of the tree and shrub layers ranked among the highest to the lowest as follows: gentle slope, moderate slope, steep slope, and flat slope. The species richness of the herbaceous layer ranked among the highest to the lowest as follows: fl at slope, moderate slope, gentle slope, and steep slope. There were no signifi cant diff erences in the importance values of the tree, shrub, and herbaceous layers across diff erent slope gradients.
Key words:  Zhongkai reserved mountains  slope  plant community  species diversity