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张涛1, 许涵1, 李艳朋1, 林明献1, 陈巧2, 杨繁1, 王灵3, 何声强3
为了摸清陆均松 Dacrydium pectinatum 幼苗的更新现状及其影响因素,文章通过对海南吊罗 山、霸王岭和尖峰岭地区的陆均松天然群落及其幼苗的更新状况进行调查,运用方差分析和回归分析, 探究了影响陆均松幼苗数量的生物和非生物因子。结果表明:(1)吊罗山和霸王岭地区的陆均松存在一 定程度的更新限制,而尖峰岭地区的陆均松更新能力极低。(2)陆均松的胸径大小对其幼苗更新具有最 好的解释能力,主要表现为中等胸径的母树周围具有更高的幼苗数量;而在包括陆均松生物学特性和陆 均松母树所处的环境条件等所有影响因子中,坡度对幼苗更新数量有最好的解释能力,主要表现为幼苗 数量随着坡度的增加而减少。
关键词:  陆均松  幼苗  更新  环境因子
Regeneration Status and Inffuencing Factors for Dacrydium pectinatum Seedlings of Tropical Rare Tree Species
ZHANG Tao1, XU Han1, LI Yanpeng1, LIN Mingxian1, CHEN Qiao2, YANG Fan1, WANG Ling3, HE Shengqiang3
1.Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry;2.Institute of ForestryResource Information Techniques,Chinese Academy of Forestry;3.Jianfengling Branch of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Administration
To study the seedlings regeneration status of Dacrydium pectinatum and its inffuencing factors, the seedlings regeneration status of D. pectinatum was studied by investigating the natural communities of D. pectinatum in Diaoluoshan, Bawangling and Jianfengling, Hainan, China. The biotic and abiotic factors that affect the number of D. pectinatum seedlings were summarized by using variance analysis and regression analysis. The results showed that there was a certain degree of regeneration limitation for D. pectinatum in Diaoluoshan and Bawangling, but the regeneration ability of D. pectinatum in Jianfengling was extremely low. Among the characteristics of D. pectinatum, the diameter was the best predictor of the number of seedlings, which was mainly manifested in the higher number of seedlings around the mother tree with medium diameter; Among all the factors (including the biological characteristics and the environmental factors of D. pectinatum), the slope was the best predictor to the number of seedlings, which was mainly shown as the number of seedlings decreases with the increase of slope. By studying the seedlings regeneration status of D.pectinatum and its inffuencing factors, we hope this paper would provide new insights for the conservation and management of this species.
Key words:   Dacrydium pectinatum  seedling  regeneration  environmental factor