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李莹莹, 齐也, 张中瑞, 卓桂珠, 何超银, 王 洋, 康 剑, 曲 仡
东江中下游地区作为珠江三角洲的重要地带,其土壤肥力状况对珠江三角的发展至关重要。因 此,为了摸清东江中下游森林土壤磷的空间分布格局,研究以东江中下游流域为研究区,研究区的 192 个森林土壤采样点的实测数据作为空间分析依据,制图方法采用地统计方法中的克里金空间插值法。结 果表明,研究区域内 4 个土层(D1~D4,0~80 cm)森林土壤中的磷含量总体处于Ⅴ级的水平。从水平方 向上看,4 个土层磷含量的空间分布整体上均呈现西部高东部低的变化趋势;从垂直方向上看,D1~D4 土层磷含量整体上呈现出逐渐下降的变化趋势。研究采用的克里金空间插值法较好的表达了东江中下游 森林土壤磷的空间分布特征。
关键词:  东江中下游流域  森林土壤  土壤磷  空间分布
Spatial Distribution Characteristics of Forest Soil Phosphorus in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Dongjiang River
li yingying, qiye, zhangzhongrui, zhuoguizhu, hechaoyin, wangyang, kangjian, quyi
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
As an important zone of the Pearl River Delta, the soil fertility status of the middle and lower reaches of the Dongjiang River is crucial to the development of the Pearl River Delta. Therefore, in order to map the spatial distribution pattern of phosphorus in forest soils in the middle and lower reaches of the Dongjiang River, this study took the middle and lower reaches of the Dongjiang River as the study area, and the measured data from 192 forest soil samples in the study area were used as the basis for spatial analysis, and the mapping method used the kriging spatial interpolation method in geostatistical methods. The results showed that the phosphorus content in forest soils of the four soil layers (D1-D4) in the study area was generally at the level of V (low content). Horizontally, the spatial distribution of phosphorus content in all four soil layers showed an overall trend of high in the west and low in the east; vertically, the phosphorus content in D1-D4 soil layers showed an overall trend of gradual decrease.
Key words:  the middle and lower reaches of the Dongjiang River  forest soil  soil phosphorus  spatial distribution