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采用人机结合方法对广东省乳阳林场 2022 年初发生森林冰雪灾害的区域进行调查,运用奥维互动地图软件结合地形图、坡度仪等记录样地的海拔、坡向、坡位、坡度等地形因子,分析了这些地形因子对森林林木冰雪灾害的影响。结果表明,森林冰雪灾害与地形因子关系紧密,在一定范围内林木受损程度先随海拔升高而加重,超过一定海拔后随海拔升高而减弱;灾害等级越高越趋向于发生在阴坡或半阴坡;灾害级别越高坡位独特性越明显;坡度大小对林木受损程度影响明显,坡度越大、灾害等级越高。
关键词:  地形因子  森林  冰雪灾害
Impact of Topographic Factors on Forest Snow and Ice Disasters
Chen Faxing1, Zhang Jiadong2, Liu Riqin2, Lu Xiaodong2, Wang Huaiwen3,4
1.Ruyang Forest Farm in Guangdong Province;2.Ruyang Forest Farm of Guangdong Province, Shaoguan,Guangdong;3.Guangdong Nanling National Nature Reserve;4.Shaoguan,Guangdong
In this paper, the man-machine combination method was used to investigate the forest ice and snow disaster areas that occurred in Ruyang Forest Farm in Guangdong province in early 2022. Using the Ovitalmap software combined with topographic maps and slope meters to record topographic factors such as elevation, slope aspect, slope position, and slope gradient, the impact on the above topographic factors of forest ice and snow disasters was analyzed. The results showed that the forest snow and ice disasters were closely related to the topographic factors. Within a certain range, the damage degree of trees increased with the increase of elevation at first but decreased with the increase of elevation after exceeding a certain elevation. The higher the disaster level is, the more likely it is to occur to a shady slope or semi-shady slope. The higher the disaster level is, the more distinct the slope positions. The slope has a significant impact on the degree of forest damage, the greater the slope, the higher the disaster level.
Key words:  terrain factor  forests  snow and ice disasters