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王洋, 何超银, 齐 也, 江瑶, 孙冬晓, 赵志明, 张中瑞
以粤北地区杉木林 Cunninghamia lanceolata、阔叶混交林、针阔混交林 3 种林分为研究对象,利用 森林土壤有机碳实测数据,分析了不同林分类型土壤有机碳含量和碳储量的垂直分布特征,以及 3 种林分之 间的有机碳含量和碳储量差异。结果表明:3 种林分土壤 1 m 剖面内有机碳含量表现为杉木林(14.25 g · kg-1) >阔叶混交林(13.87 g · kg-1)>针叶混交林(12.89 g · kg-1);3 种林分碳储量与有机碳含量表现一致,表现 为杉木林(171.58 t · hm-2)>阔叶混交林(163.34 t · hm-2)>针叶混交林(152.09 t · hm-2);同一林分 0~20 cm 土层中有机碳含量和碳储量最高,与其它土层差异性显著,且均随着土层深度的增加呈现明显的下降趋势。
关键词:  粤北  林分类型  土壤有机碳  碳储量  垂直分布
Study on Vertical Distribution Characteristics of Soil Organic Carbon Content and Carbon Stocks of different Stand Types in Northern Guangdong
wangyang, hechaoyin, qiye, jiangyao, sun dongxiao, zhao zhiming, zhang zhongrui
Guangdong Academy of Forestry
Taking Cunninghamia lanceolata, broad-leave forest and coniferous and broad-leave mixed forest in northern Guangdong county as research object.We analyzed the soil organic carbon (SOC) content, stock and their vertical distribution under difference stand types,then estimated the total carbon stock of three main stand types. The results showed that the SOC content of the three main stand types were as follows:C. lanceolata (14.25 g · kg-1) > broad-leave forest (13.87 g · kg-1) > coniferous and broad-leave mixed forest (12.89 g · kg-1), the soil nutrient grades were all at the level of III, and the soil fertility was medium. The SOC stock were consistent with SOC content, manifested as C. lanceolata (171.58 t · hm-2) > broad-leave forest (163.34 t · hm-2) > coniferous and broad-leave mixed forest (152.09 t · hm-2). The SOC content and stock of each stand type in 0~20 cm soil layer were the highest, which were significantly different from other soil layers, and showed a significant downward trend with the increase of soil depth.
Key words:   Northern Guangdong  stand type  soil organic carbon  carbon stock  vertical distribution