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许窕孜1,2, 邹祖有2, 叶彩红1,2, 张耕2, 张中瑞2, 朱航勇2, 何茜1, 丁晓纲2
探究不同林分类型林地土壤 C、N、P 含量及储量的分布特征对评价森林生态系统养分循环具 有重要意义,研究以江门市 3 种亚热带森林类型(天然阔叶林、人工阔叶林和人工针叶林)林地土壤为 对象,对不同土层土壤的 C、N、P 含量和储量进行分析。结果表明,不同林分类型土壤养分含量及储量 存在显著差异,各土层土壤 C、N、P 含量表现为:天然阔叶林 > 人工阔叶林 > 人工针叶林;土壤 C、N 含量的变化趋势为随土层增加而降低。3 种林分类型的土壤养分储量在不同土层表现不一致,就总储量而 言,天然阔叶林显著高于两种人工林分类型,P 储量在底层 80~100 cm 土层土壤无显著差异。天然林较人 工林而言,具有更良好的土壤养分循环累积机制,阔叶林较针叶林而言,受 P 限制的影响较弱。
关键词:  亚热带  林分类型  土壤养分  碳氮磷储量  森林生态系统
基金项目:广东省生态林业建设项目“林地土壤调查”;广东省林业科技计划项目 (2019-07);广东省省级生态公益林效益补偿资金 省统筹经费项目。
Distribution Characteristics of Soil Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Storage in Three Subtropical Stand Types in Jiangmen City
xutiaozi1,2, zouzuyou2, yecaihong1,2, zhanggeng2, zhongzhongrui2, zhuhangyong2, heqian1, dingxiaogang2
1.South China Agricultural University;2.guangdong academy of foresty
It is of great significance to explore the distribution characteristics of soil C, N and P contents and reserves in different stand types for evaluating the nutrient cycle of forest ecosystem. In this study, the contents and reserves of C, N and P in three subtropical stand types (natural broad-leaved forest, artificial broad-leaved forest and artificial coniferous forest) in Jiangmen city were analyzed. The results showed that there were significant differences in soil nutrient contents and storage among different stand types. Soil C, N and P contents in different soil layers were as follows: natural broad-leaved forest>artificial broad-leaved forest>artificial coniferous forest; The content of C and N in soil decreased with the increase of soil layer. The soil nutrient reserves of the three stand types were not consistent in different soil layers. In terms of total nutrient reserves, the natural broad-leaved forest was significantly higher than the two artificial stand types, and there was no significant difference in P storage in the bottom 80~100 cm soil layer. Compared with plantation forest, natural forest has better soil nutrient cycling accumulation mechanism, and broad-leaved forest is less affected by P constraint than coniferous forest.
Key words:  subtropical  stand type  soil nutrients  carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus reserves  forest ecosystem