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郑晓钟1, 严巧敏1, 吴琼2, 朱刚1, 谢威3, 魏龙4, 殷祚云1
关键词:  近自然恢复  乔灌混播  增长率
Comparison of plant growth rate of different plant seed mixed sowing modes under different site conditions
zhengxiaohzong1, yanqiaomin1, wuqiong2, zhugang1, xiewei3, weilong4, yinzuoyun1
1.Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering;2.Rural Revitalization Bureau of Xiyang County, Jinzhong City;3.Taishan Hongling seed orchard;4.Guangdong Academy Of Forestry
In order to study the effects of different site conditions and plant configuration modes on the growth rate of sown plants under near natural recovery, the changes of plant growth rate were compared by observing the growth indicators such as basal area growth rate, canopy area growth rate, basal volume growth rate and canopy volume growth rate of various vegetation. The results showed that the growth rate of plants under grass slope vegetation restoration was better than that in wasteland. There was little difference between tree shrub mixed sowing and tree shrub grass mixed sowing, but better than tree seed single sowing; The analysis of the main seedling plants shows that the growth rate of the main seedling trees is more advantageous under the mixed planting of trees and shrub.
Key words:  Near natural recovery  Mixed planting of trees and shrubs  growth rate