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钱万惠, 赵庆, 陈星澄, 张凌宇, 章驰
广东省林业科学研究院 广东省森林培育与保护利用重点实验室
为探明台风“天鸽”对澳门登山步行径两侧的森林群落的影响,以12条登山步行径两侧的森林群落为研究对象,对步行径和不同坡位、不同坡向的受损程度进行调查统计,结合CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)模拟结果分析差异。结果表明:12条步行径森林群落受损长度比例DLP(Percentage of Damage Level)差异显著。5条DLP值大于50%的步行径,均位于路环;DLP值最小的两条步行径则位于氹仔。森林群落受损等级DL(Damage Level)主要集中在I级、II级和IV级。从坡向上分析,有4个坡向的DLP值大于50%,分别是西南坡、无坡向、西北坡、西坡。整体出现上坡位受损长度比例显著高于下坡位。受损严重的森林群落位置与CFD模拟的风害的区域互相重叠,表明地理位置、地形地貌是该次森林群落受损差异显著的主要因素。基于上述结果,建议对登山步行径两侧的森林群落因地制宜地实施沿海防护型、生态型、景观型生态修复,构建抗风能力强
关键词:  台风  步行径  森林群落  生态修复
Impacts of Typhoon on Forest Communities and Post-event Ecological Remediation: A Case Study of Walking Trails in Macau
QIAN Wanhui, ZHAO Qing, CHEN Xingcheng, ZHANG Lingyu, ZHANG Chi
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture Protection and Utilization / Guangdong Academy of Forestry
To evaluate impacts of the typhoon Hato on forest communities besides 12 walking trails in Macau, this study investigated the damage of different trails, slope positions and slope directions combining with Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD) simulation. Results showed: There was a significant difference in the percentage of damaged length(DLP) of the 12 walking trails’ forest communities. 5 walking trails’ DLP values are over 50%, which are all located in Ilha de Coloane.2 walking trails with the lowest DLP values are all located in Ilha da Taipa. Damage levels of forest community (DL) are mainly distributed in Grade I,Grade II and Grade IV. Base on the statistics of slope directions, 4 slopes direction’ DLP values are larger than 50%, which are southwest slope, no slope direction, northwest slope, and west slope. DLP value of upper slope is significantly higher than that of lower slope. The locations of the severely damaged forest communities overlap with the wind damage simulated by CFD, indicating that geographical location, topography andation, topography and landform are the main factors for the significant difference during typhoon Hato disturbance. Based on the above results, it is suggested to implement ecological remediation strategies which are focus on coastal protection, ecological friendly and landscape enhancement respectively for the forest communities on walking trails according to local conditions. In this way, a beautiful forest community with strong wind resistance and good ecologic
Key words:  typhoon  walking trail  forest community  ecological remediation