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梁燕飞1, 古文强1, 闫东明1, 卢曼1, 邓智文2, 韩东燕1, 陈煜明1, 张中瑞2
以银瓶山润楠属植物群落为研究对象,通过典型样地调查,对研究区域内群落的物种组成、 径级分布特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)样地内共有 70 种植物,隶属 41 科 58 属,占优势的科主要 有茜草科、樟科、禾本科、紫金牛科、百合科等。(2)样地内重要值 >1 的物种有 11 种,占物种数的 84.62%,华润楠、浙江润楠的重要值分别为 47.08、17.50,远高于其它植物,为调查样地群落的优势建群 种。(3)样地内润楠属植物的胸径与树高之间存在显著的对数函数关系,种群径级分布呈单峰型,表现 为先升高后降低的趋势,植株最主要集中在中、小径级。
关键词:  润楠属  物种组成  径级结构
基金项目:广东省级生态公益林效益补偿资金省统筹项目“森林生态科技研究与推广”。第一作者:梁燕飞(1970-),女,园林工程师,主要从事森林公园管理和森林资源保护等方面工作,E-mail:1059872966@qq.com。通讯作者:张中瑞(1987-),男,工程师,主要从事林业经济研究,E-mail:zhangzhongrui126@126.com。 Gu Wenqiang1 Yan Dongming1 Lu man1 Deng Zhiwen2 Han Dongyan1 Chen Yuming1 Zhang Zhongrui2
Study on the Community Characteristics of the Machilus Plant in Yinpingshan Forest Park
Liang Yanfei1, Gu Wenqiang1, Yan Dongming1, Lu man1, dengzhiwen2, Han Dongyan1, Chen Yuming1, Zhang Zhongrui2
1.Dongguan Yinpingshan Forest Park;2.Guangdong Academy of Forestry / Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Silviculture Protection and Utilizationy
The species composition and diameter distribution characteristics of the communities in the study area were investigated by means of a typical sample plot survey, using the Machilus community in Yinping Mountain as the study object. The results show that: (1) There are 70 species of plants in the sample area, belonging to 41 families and 58 genus, with the dominant families being Cyperaceae, Camphoraceae, Gramineae, Zingiberaceae and Liliaceae. (2) There were 11 species with importance values >1 in the sample site, accounting for 84.62% of the species. The relative abundance, relative significance and importance values of Machilus chinensis and Machilus chekiangensis accounted for 47.08, 17.50, respectively, and were the dominant community-building species in the survey sample site. (3) There is a significant logarithmic relationship between the diameter and height of the Machilus in the sample site, and the diameter distribution of the population is unimodal, showing a trend of increasing and then decreasing in diameter, with plants concentrated mainly at the medium and small diameter levels.
Key words:  Machilus  species composition  structure of diameter class