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南岭山地作为国际意义上的陆地生物多样性关键地区之一,拥有同纬度带上保存最完整的亚热带植被。以南岭国家级自然保护区植物群落为研究对象,计算植物群落的 α 多样性指数,分析海拔跨度 413~ 1 698 m 内植被物种组成和物种多样性的垂直分布格局。结果表明:1)随着海拔梯度的上升,南岭山地内植被类型变化依次为沟谷常绿阔叶林、山地常绿阔叶林、针阔混交林和山地常绿阔叶矮林和高山草甸。2)乔木层的最大树高、最大胸径和胸高断面积和随海拔升高的变化曲线为单峰分布格局,立木密度随海拔变化表现不明显的下降变化趋势。3)常绿阔叶树种的比例随着海拔的增加呈现降低的趋势,落叶阔叶树种比例随着海拔缓慢增加。4)乔木层 α 多样性指数随海拔的升高呈现“单峰曲线”变化趋势,灌木和草本层 α 多样性指数随海拔的升高呈现下降趋势。5)沟谷常绿阔叶林内优势树种多为樟科润楠属乔木树种,而山地常绿阔叶林主要以壳斗科树种为优势树种。
关键词:  物种多样性  南岭山地  海拔梯度  物种组成  群落结构
基金项目:南 岭 国 家 级 自 然 保 护 区 生 物 多 样 性 科 学 考 察(2019B121202006), 南 岭 森 林 生 态 系 统 野 外 科 学 观 测 与 研 究 (2019GDASTL-0401001),南岭森林生态系统野外科学观测研究站(2018B030324001)。
Distribution Pattern of Plant Community Species Diversity along Altitudinal Gradients in Nanling Mountains, Guangdong
Xu Wei1,2, Yang Ting1,2, Zehua Li1,2, Zhou Ping1,2
1.Guangzhou Institute of Geography,Guangdong Academy of Sciences,Guangzhou,Guangdong,510075;2.China
As one of the global terrestrial biodiversity key regions, Nanling Mountains have the most complete subtropical vegetation compared with the same latitude zones. Research about the species composition and the tree diversity distribution pattern of the Nanling Mountains along the altitude gradients could advance the biodiversity protection. We focused on plant community at the Nanling National Nature Reserve to analyze the vertical distribution pattern of species composition and species diversity along altitude span of 413 – 1 698 m. The results showed that: 1) With the increase of the altitudinal gradients, the vegetation types of Nanling Mountains changed from valley evergreen broad-leaved forest, mountain evergreen broad-leaved forest, coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest, mountaintop evergreen broad-leaved dwarf forest to alpine meadow. 2) The maximum tree height, maximum diameter at breast height and sum of basal area of trees showed single-peak distribution pattern along altitudes, and the density of standing trees showed a downward trend with increases of altitude. 3) The proportion of evergreen broad-leaved trees decreased with altitude increased, and the proportion of deciduous broad-leaved tree species increased slowly with altitude increased. 4) The α diversity index of the trees showed a “single peak curve” along the altitudinal gradients. The α diversity index of shrubs and herbs both showed downward trends along altitude increased. 5) The dominant tree species of valley evergreen broad-leaved forests were mostly Machilus species, while the mountain evergreen broad-leaved forests were dominated by Fagaceae trees.
Key words:  species diversity  Nanling Mountains  altitudinal gradient  species composition  community structure