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齐凤坤, 张 越, 林秀灵, 麦任娣, 张煜林, 赵秀娟
以换锦花 Lycoris sprengeri 和忽地笑 L. aurea 为试材,观察种子形态,测试种子千粒重、含水 量、活力、发芽势和发芽率的特性,测定种子吸水曲线,并研究不同温度、光照和赤霉素浓度的处理对 种子萌发的影响。结果表明:换锦花和忽地笑千粒重分别为 1 008.10 g 和 757.10 g,含水量分别为 58.20% 和 54.36%,种子活力分别为 66.67% 和 60.67%,发芽率分别为 10.00% 和 8.67%。不同光照条件下,换锦 花和忽地笑的种子发芽率、发芽势和萌芽时间均没有显著差异,温度对种子萌发影响相对较大,在 15 ℃ 以下,两种石蒜属植物的发芽率均显著低于其它温度。20 ~ 25 ℃适合石蒜属植物种子萌发,25 ℃为最 佳。不同浓度的 GA3 浸种处理对换锦花和忽地笑石蒜种子发芽率有较大的影响,随着 GA3 浓度的增加, 种子的发芽率逐渐增加。其中 GA3 浓度为 0.05 g/L 时,种子的发芽率最高,分别为 17% 和 13%。
关键词:  石蒜属植物  种子  萌发特性
Studies on Seed Biological Characteristics and Germination Test of Two Lycoris Species
qifengkun, ZHANG Yue, LIN Xiuling, MAI Rendi, ZHANG Yulin, ZHAO Xiujuan
Guangdong Eco-Engineering Polytechnic
Lycoris sprengeri and L. aurea seeds were used as experimental material. The morpholgical characteristics of the seeds were observed and the biological characteristics including 1 000-seed weight, water content, viability, germination characteristics were studied. In addition, determination of seed water suction curves and the effects of temperature, light and gibberellin concentration on seed germination were studied. The result indicated that the 1 000-seed weight of L. sprengeri and L. aurea were 1 008.1 g and 757.1 g, and water content were 58.2% and 54.36%, and seed viability were 66.00% and 60.67%, and germination percentage were 10.00% and 8.67%, respectively. Under different strength of illumination, there were no significant differences in germination percentage, seed viability and germination time between L. sprengeri and L.aurea. The effect of temperature on seed germination was relatively obvious, below 15 ℃ . Germination percentage of two Lycoris plants were significantly lower than other temperatures. Which in 20-25 ℃ was suitable for Lycoris seed germination, and in 25 ℃ was the best. The seed germination rate of L. sprengeri and L.aurea were significantly affected by GA3 treatment. With theincrease of GA3 concentration, the germination rate of seeds increased gradually. When the concentration of GA3 was 0.05 g/L, the germination rate was the highest, 17% and 13% , respectively.
Key words:  Lycoris plant  seed  germination characteristics