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6种药剂对羊蹄甲蚜虫防治的药效研究 |
摘要: |
采用喷雾法测定了 5 种杀虫剂对棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)的室内毒力,比较了 6 种杀虫剂对苗圃
中羊蹄甲(Bauhinia purpurea)袋苗上棉蚜的防治效果,同时分析了药剂对羊蹄甲生长指标的影响。结果显
示: 0.25% 吡蚜酮对防治棉蚜效果最好, LC50 仅为 2.296 mg/L, 25% 噻虫嗪效果最差, LC50 为 41.396 mg/L。
6 种杀虫剂对苗圃袋苗上棉蚜的防治效果差异显著。施药处理 7 d 后, 2.5% 高效氯氟氰菊酯、 0.25% 吡蚜
酮和 1.2% 烟碱 · 苦参碱的防治效果最好,防治效果分别为 94.58%、 94.09% 和 89.16%。同时施用过高效氯
氟氰菊酯后的羊蹄甲袋苗在苗高、地径、地上部分鲜质量和地上部分干质量 4 个生长指标上均显著高于未
处理的袋苗。因此 2.5% 高效氯氟氰菊酯和 0.25% 吡蚜酮对防治羊蹄甲苗期棉蚜有较好的速效性和持效性,
同时 1.2% 烟碱 · 苦参碱也具有较高的防治效果,可以作为替代药剂穿插施用,以降低害虫抗药性风险。 |
关键词: 羊蹄甲 棉蚜 杀虫剂 毒力测定 防治效果 |
DOI: |
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基金项目:广东省科技计划项目“羊蹄甲属观花树种种质资源鉴评与高效快繁技术研究”(503304254086) |
Effect Test of Six Insecticides on Bauhinia purpurea |
weidan,,hurouxuan, and
Abstract: |
The toxicity of five insecticides against Aphis gossypii was determined by quantitative and spray
method. The results showed that pymetrozine 0.25% WP had the highest toxicity to A. gossypii, with the LC50
value of 2.296 mg/L and the toxicity of thiamethoxam 25% WG to A. gossypii was not satisfied. Field control
efficiency of six insecticides against A. gossypii was evaluated. The insecticides such as lambda-cyhalothrin
2.5% SC, pymetrozine 0.25% WP and nocotine · matrine 1.2% EC had better control effects to A. gossypii. In
which, control effects of three insecticides to the A. gossypii were 94.58%, 94.09% and 89.16% respectively for
seven days after treatment. At the same time, four growth indicators of Bauhinia purpurea after the application of
lambda-cyhalothrin 2.5% SC was significantly higher than the untreated seedling, such as seedling height, ground
diameter, fresh weight on the ground and dry weight on the ground. The results showed that lambda-cyhalothrin
2.5% SC and pymetrozine 0.25% WP had a preferably good quick and persistent efficacy, and had been applied
for pest control. The 1.2% nicotine matrine EC could be used as a alternative insecticide to avoid aphid resistance. |
Key words: Bauhinia purpurea Aphis gossypii insecticides toxicity test control effect |