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采用60Co-γ射线对岑软2号、岑软3号、岑软11号3个普通油茶(Camellia oleifera Abel)无性系种子和连州1号1个普通油茶优树种子进行0 rad、1 000 rad、2 000 rad、3 000 rad剂量辐照处理,研究辐照对油茶实生后代鲜果出籽率、干出籽率、干籽出仁率、仁油率、鲜果含油率等经济指标的影响。结果表明:4种油茶经60Co-γ辐照处理后,岑软2号、11号的实生后代出籽率有显著影响,但对岑软3号的出籽率影响不显著,可见不同品系间油茶影响差异较大;对油茶出仁率、仁油率及鲜果含油率的影响表现为:高剂量辐射在一定程度上明显增加了岑软2号、3号和连州1号的出油率,降低了岑软11号的出油率。
关键词:  油茶  60 Co-γ射线辐照  种仁含油率
Effect of 60Co-γ Rays Irradiation Treatments on Economic Indicators of Camellia oleifera
LI Biao and CHA Qianhui
College of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou,Guangdong ,China
The 60Co-γ radiation treatment was utilized for the seeds of 3 Camellia oleifera Abel clones ( Camellia oleifera ‘Cenruan NO. 2’,Camellia oleifera‘Cenruan NO. 3’ and Camellia oleifera ‘Cenruan NO. 11’) and the seeds of Camellia oleifera Abel plus tree ( Camellia oleifera ‘ Lianzhou NO. 1’) via 0 rad, 1000 rad, 2000 rad, 3000 rad, in order to study the effect of 60 Co-γ rays irradiation treatments on fresh seed rate, dried seed rate, kernel rate, seed oil content rate and fresh fruit oil content rate. The result showed that 4 camellia trees under different 60Co-γ radiation treatments effected the seed rate of Camellia oleifera ‘Cenruan NO. 2’ and Camellia oleifera ‘Cenruan NO. 11’ significantly while Camellia oleifera‘Cenruan NO. 3’with no significant impact; High dose 60Co-γ rays irradiation increased the oil content rate of Camellia oleifera ‘Cenruan NO. 2’,Camellia oleifera‘Cenruan NO. 3’ and Camellia oleifera ‘ Lianzhou NO. 1’,while high dose 60Co-γ rays irradiation decreased the Camellia oleifera ‘Cenruan NO. 11’oil content rate.
Key words:  Camellia oleifera  60Co-γ radiation  seed soil content