摘要: |
研究了粤北地区天井山林场杉木成熟林冰灾受损后的恢复重建模式,在全面伐除杉木、选留萌芽条的基础上引种6个木兰科优良树种。结果表明,6个树种均能适应该地生境,保存率均在80%以上,其中火力楠、峨眉含笑和厚朴生长较快,乳源木莲、深山含笑和观光木生长较慢,杉木萌芽条生长旺盛,在新的林分中占优势地位。 |
关键词: 冰雪灾害 杉木林 恢复重建 粤北 |
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基金项目:广东省林业科技创新专项“生态公益林林分改造及可持续经营关键技术研究与示范”(2011KJCX021-02) |
Study on the Restoration and Reconstruction Technology of Cunninghamia lanceolata Plantation Damaged by Snow and Ice Storms in North Guangdong |
LIU Zhifa,KONG Xiangnan,YANG Changteng and ZHOU Zhiping
Tianjingshan Forest Farm,Shaoguan,Administration of Nanling National Nature Reserve,Shaoguan,Administration of Nanling National Nature Reserve,Shaoguan
Abstract: |
The vegetation in North Guangdong was badly damaged by the unusually heavy snow and ice storms in early 2008. This paper investigated the way to restore and reconstruct the damaged Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations in Tianjinshan forest farm. In the sampling site all the C. lanceolata trees were cut in 2009, and six tree species of Magnoliaceae were planted in April 2010, while some bud bars of C. lanceolata were chosen to retain. The results showed that all the six species were suitable for the local habitat .The survival rate of each species was more than 80%. The seedlings of Michelia macclurei, M. wilsonii and Magnolia officinalis survived better and grew faster than the other three species (Manglietia yuyuanensis, Michelia maudiae and Tsoongiodendron odorum). The bud bars of C. lanceolata retained grew well and were dominant in the reconstructed forest stands. |
Key words: snow and ice storms Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation restoration and reconstruction North Guangdong |