摘要: |
通过实地踏查与样方法结合,对广东省湛江高桥红树林及周边地区的植被进行了调查。调查发现,湛江高桥红树林及周边地区共有维管植物140科535属795种,其中蕨类植物17科21属33种、裸子植物5科6属8种、被子植物118科508属754种,调查中发现外来物种有65科175属232种,占调查总物种数29.18%。潮间带维管植物有18科22属28种,占调查总数的3.52%;海堤维管植物有60科142属173种,占调查总数的21.76%;围田维管植物有52科144属195种,占调查总数的24.53%;周边村维管植物共有135科514属767种,占调查总数的96.48%。调查表明,该地有较高的生物多样性以及独特的红树林植物资源,具有较高的保护价值,同时,该地区也承受着较大的外来种植物的压力。 |
关键词: 高桥红树林〓植物资源〓乡土植物〓外来植物 |
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基金项目:国家自然科学基金重点项目“外来植物影响下红树林生态系统服务功能的维持机制”(30930017)。 |
Investigation of Plant Resources in Zhanjiang Gaoqiao Mangrove \=and the Surrounding Regions, Guangdong Province |
Lin Guangxuan
Abstract: |
The plant resources of Zhanjiang Gaoqiao mangrove and the surrounding regions were surveyed based on the quadrat sampling method and field survey. According to the field survey, there are 795 species of vascular plants belonging to 535 generas of 140 families in this areas, including 33 species of ferns in 21 generas of 17 families, 8 species of gymnosperm in 6 generas of 5 families, and the rest 754 species of angiosperm in 508 generas of 118 families. Alien plants consist of 232 species in 175 generas of 65 families, accounting for 29.18% of the total species. The numbers of species distributed around intertidal area, seawall, levee surrounded field and peripheral counties are 27, 173, 195 and 767, respectively. In sum, this area consists of high plant diversity, and the mangroves should be well protected for the unique plant resource, especially under the great pressure of alien species. |
Key words: Gaoqiao mangrove, plant resources, native plants, alien plants |