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关键词:  杉木,杂交子代 ,杂种优势,分析
基金项目:广东省林业种苗专项“杉木良种选育”、广东省林业科技创新专项“松杉良种选育和高效栽培技术研究与示范”(2008KJCX005 01、2009KJCX007 1)、国家林业局林业公益性行业科研专项“乐昌油杉良种选育研究”(201004050)。
Heterosis Analysis for Controlled Pollination Full-sib Family of Chinese Fir
Hu Dehuo
The hetersis analysis of 7~10-year-old chinese fir plantation in 68 hybrid was carried out in this paper, the results showed that ratio of hybrids which were greater than parental open-pollinated sibs in height, DBH and Volume was about 50%; the hybrids were divided into three groups,including those plus surperior to two parents, open-pollinated sibs,those negetive superior to two parents, open-pollinated sibs and those between two parents, open-pollinated sibs in three growth traits, the ratio of hybrids in three groups was greatly different between trails. Generally, hybrids which were plus superior to two parents had a little larger percentage in height than in another two traits, whereas hybrids which were negative superior to two parents had a little larger percentage in DBH and volume than in height; the degree of hybrid hetersis was between -37.5%~14.3% in height, -39.4%~17.2% in DBH, -58.6%~74.1% in volume which was the largest. The ratio of hybrids in different degree of hetersis showed nomal distribution in all three growth traits, 8.8% and 5.9% hybrids which were 10% greater than two parents, open-pollinated sibs were found in height and in DBH, and 5.9% hybrdis were 30%~60% greater than two parents, open-pollinated sibs,2.9% hybrdis were above 60% greater than two parents, open-pollinated sibs. It is feasible to breed hybrids with greater hetersis through artificial breeding program. Hybrids with greater hetersis were easily obtained between two provenance with greater geographical segregation or between foreign provenance and Guangdong provenance.
Key words:  Chinese fir, hybrid, hetersis, analysis